Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

No I havent weighed them recently, I was doing something with them the other week and picked each of them up, just a noticable weight difference, i will have to get out the ol' towl and fish scale and really tick them off! As for their own space, I free range 99% of the time and do not have a multiple pen setup. I had built an attached run to the main coop, which I have not used since the turkeys were old enough to be out all the time. I did have a BO roo (my avatar) that is now at freezer camp so with the reduced competition, maybe he will do better?

I will weigh them this weekend and post back! Has anyone mailed chicken sperm before? haha kidding
Getting my Delawares together to start breeding. I'd love to get your comments. And please, feel free to be brutal. I want to improve my stock...and the only way to do so is to find the faults in what I have so I know what to work on.
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I just found this thread, and it is making me so excited! I got a couple of chicks not more than two or three weeks ago, and I think one of them is a Delaware. I can't wait to see what she looks like all growed up!

Now to dive back into all of the lovely pictures, hehehe.......
Hi Stevenson,
There are too many roos to look at. It makes it hard for you to see everything. I would start by culling out the obviously poor choices and work from there till you are down to two. The "heir and the spare." Your idea of breeding from both is a good one.

I also like the bird you picked but there are a couple of other nice ones in there too. To me, size is important and there is one nice looking big guy in there. Color is something that you will always be working on so I would not cull all the yellowed ones if they have size and type.

Your choice of hens seemed perfect from what I could see. I also agree with your pick of the best hen.

Loved the video and think it is a good tool both now and in coming years as you can look back and compare.

Best of Luck with your flock, Bea
Hi Stevenson,
There are too many roos to look at. It makes it hard for you to see everything. I would start by culling out the obviously poor choices and work from there till you are down to two. The "heir and the spare." Your idea of breeding from both is a good one.

I also like the bird you picked but there are a couple of other nice ones in there too. To me, size is important and there is one nice looking big guy in there. Color is something that you will always be working on so I would not cull all the yellowed ones if they have size and type.

Your choice of hens seemed perfect from what I could see. I also agree with your pick of the best hen.

Loved the video and think it is a good tool both now and in coming years as you can look back and compare.

Best of Luck with your flock, Bea

Thanks Bea. I agree that I have too many roos.

While I agree with your statement on color, I feel like the yellowing problem is more of an issue than just bad coloring. I am beginning to wonder if some of the coloring from the New Hampshire lines is wanting to come back through.

There is one that is certainly larger than the others. I think I'll use him for a couple of hatches this year. I did put the one I pointed out in the video in with the hens last night. I think I'll do two hatches with him and see how things go. I will certainly know more about things this time next year!

I wish my hens had better tails, but unfortunately all of them have the pinched tails. I will just work with what I have!

Thanks for the comments!

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