Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Thanks for the reply. I thought they bred true and I just didn't quite understand it. I have fallen in love with this breed. They are just wonderful.
Yes Delaware bred to Delaware equals a Delaware.

You can create a Delaware patterned look-a-like by crossing a Delaware rooster onto a NH or RIR female. It just won't be a pure Delaware it will be a cross-breed and will have the Delaware color pattern with most likely some red leakage though-out the body plumage and most probly a lot of the yellowing that has been in question as of late.


I think some folks do this for sex link purposes.
Don't get discouraged with the brassiness. Your birds have very nice body type. I love the speckled neck on the one hen, beautiful color. Even though they are not perfect, they are far better than hatchery birds. In fact they are better than most of the Delawares out there as the breed needs a lot of rejuvenation. Make sure you post pictures of the chicks. Happy Hatching, Bea
Good jog on the video and narration too. You've "dun" good on your choices there its fun "ain't" it. happy farming and good luck in your endeavors.

Now I just got to get in the same groove as you and get my breeding project(s) up and going.

Thank you. I am doing these videos as much for me as for anyone else. I want to have benchmarks to look back on. I also think if I post them here and get comments, I can move a little quicker at becoming a solid breeder (nowhere near that now). Since I have no one around me who is an experienced breeder (that I am aware of), I'll rely on the internet!

I will say, I have been surprised that my videos have gotten as many views as they have gotten. I have posted their link here, but that is it! Some of my videos have 750 views already...and they have only been out for 6 months or so. There are a lot of people starving for information and youtube is a great place to find it!
I finally found some Delaware pullets. I have been holding on to my young roo, & had almost given up. I post pictures this evening to see what everyone thinks. It was just by luck, as a local guy went a few hours away to buy some black sex links & came back with 10 to 15 Delaware's & let me have 8 pullets that should be laying in a month to 6 Weeks; maybe sooner, I noticed the young roo is already trying to do his job.
Since moving my Delaware breeding hens to their new home, they aren't laying hardly at all. Yesterday I got 14 eggs from 16 hens (different breeds) for the remainder of the flock...and ZERO for my four Delaware hens that I am trying to save for hatching. I am assuming that they haven't become acclimated to their surroundings yet... Does anyone have any ideas?

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