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can anyone please help me identify these breeds???
im really curious to know...i got them as a gift

Hens look to be some black breasted red gamefowl/(gamefowl crosses? can never be for sure when history isn't known.) Young stag (cockerel) is a duckwing with hen feathering, so "henny" gamefowl cross ( may need to edit your note to say 2 game hens and a rooster :p). At least that is my guess :).
I agree that it looks like two hens and a stag, but I am not convenced the stag is a Henny Cross, could be but it could just be young also, the stag looks to be some sort of a grey/red cross to me, he is gorgeous though!!! Nice trio!!!! Lynn in Okla.
F50Mysre I love your avitar, is one you picked up somewhere or is it of a bird you own, he is so proud and stately, what a gorgeous example of a true Gamecock!!! lynn in Okla.

This is one of my brood pens for my Sweaters
While Im not breeding I keep them just like they are in the pic, for breeding I single mate. I put a hen in each side and rotate the cock, three days in one side then three days in the other side.
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This is one of my brood pens for my Sweaters
While Im not breeding I keep them just like they are in the pic, for breeding I single mate. I put a hen in each side and rotate the cock, three days in one side then three days in the other side.

do you separate the hens in different pens after they start laying to keep track of whos eggs are whos or do you just mark eggs and incubate. im going to use my hens for hatching

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