Show off your world record of hatching eggs here!!!!!! :D

Awwwwww!!!!!! I just LOVE baby chicks!!!!!! Goood luck to all of you. I hope for the best!
First batch I had 9 out of 17 (some not fertiled, one die recently which is still a mystery), second batch 1 out of 6 (the other 5 were scrambled from shipping), third batch 1 out of 16 waiting for it to hatch due date was today (15 had loose air cells and I wasn't able to get them to set so they made it up to the 8th day) Fourth batch came from AZ, I live in Ohio out of 24 eggs 20 made it to Lockdown which was yesterday due to hatch Saturday. 6 out of 6 are in the first incubator due for lock down next week, and 12 white silkies are due for lock down the week after the 6..

1st batch : 6 Indian Runner Duck Eggs. 1 infertile. I had 4/5 hatch!

2nd batch: 12 coturnix quail eggs. 6 infertile. I had 3/6 hatch.

3rd batch: 12 button quail eggs. 5 infertile. I had 4/7 hatch.

4th batch: 6 Indian Runner Duck Eggs. 1 infertile. I had 5/5 hatch!

5th batch: 18 coturnix quail eggs. 4 infertile. I had 11/14 hatch!

6th batch: Right now, I am in lockdwon with 9 coturnix quail eggs. 2 are zipping

Total of eggs: 6+12+12+6+18+12 ( Had 12 eggs instead of 9 but 3 were infertile ) = 66 eggs.
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That's fantastic!!!!!! Congratulations!!! Have you done your victory dance yet?
First time beginner here with the incubator. I set 40 eggs, I now have 35 healthy babies. !!
You don't sound like a beginner to me if you hatched all of the babies but five!!!! Great job!
You don't sound like a beginner to me if you hatched all of the babies but five!!!! Great job!

haha, thanks. I've had broody hens, hatched eggs on my lap, but, never with an incubator, I'm impressed how well it worked, and I didn't candle, I didn't scrub the eggs, haha. BAM, there she is. haha. They are cute, going to be hard to sell them off, but, have to, might keep a few favorites, of course, jeepers. ahhhh
New to the forum, we have about 40 eggs in the incubator adding about 3~4 new eggs daily, dating them as we add them so we know about when we should expect them to peep
12 chicks have hatched since the 29th of march and are hatching 2~3 RIR chicks daily, only had 3 duds... not fertilized and one foot deformity
but she is beautiful. I will post pics to my profile as soon as I can. I am really glad I found this forum
oh yeah, this is our first time incubating too.
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