SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread


All I can think of right now is slicing an END kind of thick, while it is slightly warm,,,, spreading butter or cream cheese, and a few thick slices of tomato on top. A dash of salt and pepper on top, and wash down with a tall glass of milk..... :drool:drool:drool:drool:drool:drool:drool:drool
I like that!

The bread is whole grain and I used molasses as the sweetener--there is only 1\4 cup of molasses in it so it is not sweet.

I cut of an end and had it with butter and black berry jam I made on Monday.
@MrsMistyReal & @Chickencountryuk
I just cant click the like button on these. :(
On the previous version program of BYC, (over year ago) the button was an Ovation, and was able to include a short message limited to 100 letters.
The new server we have now switched to likes--no place to add a comment.
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The new serer we have now switched to likes--no place to add a comment.
@MrsMistyReal & @Chickencountryuk
I just cant click the like button on these. :(
On the previous version program of BYC, (over year ago) the button was an Ovation, and was able to include a short message limited to 100 letters.
God help us all... duluthralphie


Feedback on the current Like system...
crazy eyes.gif ducky.gif shock and disgust copy.jpg
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I intend to have Meebrong deviled eggs tomorrow.
Duckling wants to do crafts (and I know a lot of crafts... when I can remember them!), and today was egg crafts. So tomorrow I will have to get permission to eat them.
Bacon, hot sauce, cheese, yellow mustard, hot sauce, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, hot sauce and paprika are possible ingredients. Oh! And hot sauce!
Perhaps an egg stuffed tomato in the next few days too.

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