SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

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Dinner. This was a new salad kit we haven't had before. I poached the chicken with a couple of bay leaves, some onion pwd and chopped garlic in water. We haven't tried the spinach pasta salad yet but I saw it in the deli when I was getting lunchmeat for igors lunches.
I have seen the taylor farms kits here at the Grocery outlet. They are very good!

Nice salad and garlic toast!
Just reheated combination of things on hand.

I used a Chunky Beef Vegetable soup in lieu of Grrrrravi. Then I finished the rest as soup:drool:drool:drool Yes ,,, those are Goldfish Cheddar crackers:old I break ALL the rules:yesss:

And what I promised myself from Pepperidge Farm yesterday:drool
Hello again, y'all! :frow
I've been gone for awhile! I got a new baby brother last Tuesday! :clap :ya I've been very busy taking care of my other 6 siblings and my mom so that she can heal up. Also getting the gardens planted and a million other things so I haven't had any time to post pics for awhile!

Anyways, here are some blueberry, strawberry, ricotta muffins that we are going to have for breakfast today.

Not the greatest pic, but it'll do.

Yesterday we had rataouille, meat, quinoa salad, and hardboiled eggs. For dessert we had brownies.

Y'all have a blessed day! :)

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