SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

apple sauce and bran muffins made apple pie sauce decided to try it in the muffins oh my like that
Flapjacks for breakfast. With fruit preserves instead of syrup, and a squirt of Dairy Whip cream:yesss:

Lunch,,,, Just in case I was running LOW on OMEGA3:gig
I like sardines,,,,, and these are Totally Delicious:drool in Olive oil, Skinless, and Boneless:ya

Dinner,,, Neighbor brought a few Japanese String beans. Never had these before.

Note the tape measurement:eek: 24 inches.

Lower right are those beans:)

Those 3 thingies on lower left are Plantains. Breaded, and pan fried:drool
Flapjacks for breakfast. With fruit preserves instead of syrup, and a squirt of Dairy Whip cream:yesss:
View attachment 1933251
Lunch,,,, Just in case I was running LOW on OMEGA3:gig
I like sardines,,,,, and these are Totally Delicious:drool in Olive oil, Skinless, and Boneless:ya
View attachment 1933252
Dinner,,, Neighbor brought a few Japanese String beans. Never had these before.
View attachment 1933253
Note the tape measurement:eek: 24 inches.
View attachment 1933254
Lower right are those beans:)
View attachment 1933255
Those 3 thingies on lower left are Plantains. Breaded, and pan fried:drool

Cavey, what did you think of the Japanese string beans? Did they taste any different from plain old green beans?

made some egg mushroom and melted cheese meal where I took 2 soft taco shells and turned it into a sandwich. I think it's something that is spelled with a Q but sounds like Case a Dee Uhs. I would look up the correct spelling but I am overwhelmed with spelling apathy.

I only use egg whites, don't like the flavor of yolks... egg whites alone are not healthy due to high protein and a lack of fat but cheese has plenty of fat so its all good.

Stock is done, not a great pic. I simmered the carcass of our lemon pepper yard bird over night with garlic and a bay leaf, then finished it today. I added veggies this morning: 6 carrots, 3 stalks of celery and a quartered onion, then a TBSP each parsley and thyme, half that of oregano for the last half hour. Filtered it and measured, 2.5 quarts. I added salt at the end because I cook by taste not a recipe, less than a TBSP. It has excellent flavor, will make great soup and probably the base for the gravy in a pot pie.

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