SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread


@igorsMistress i made that chia pudding... does she stir it once then wait 5ish mins then stir it again and don’t touch for a bit. Makes like a tapioca pudding but with chia seeds.
Yes’m. She used 2 T chia to half cup milk but it was too thick. She’s trying 1.5 T tonight, it has been sitting for a couple hours so far and it’s thickened up but not enough yet.
2 TBS and 1/2 cup milk worked great for me. I’m using almond milk though which is way creamer than regular milk.
Maybe. It’s more texture than taste and I don’t necessarily find that to be the case with almond milk vs cows milk. I haven’t talked to her so don’t know yet today how this batch came out.
Maybe. It’s more texture than taste and I don’t necessarily find that to be the case with almond milk vs cows milk. I haven’t talked to her so don’t know yet today how this batch came out.
I find cows milk to be watery and not creamy. I’ve never liked cows milk. I’ve never drank it my whole life besides once and that was the last time. My oldest son and I are both allergic to dairy.
I find cows milk to be watery and not creamy. I’ve never liked cows milk. I’ve never drank it my whole life besides once and that was the last time. My oldest son and I are both allergic to dairy.
Interesting that you think so. I find the texture of almond milk to be similar to regular milk, we drink whole milk, but I don’t care for the sweetness and it doesn’t taste creamy to me. In a chia pudding it might be ok though and we’ve talked about trying the almond milk instead.

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