Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

The black skin gene passes better in roos so it is best to start with a silkie roo. after several generations tho I would use a showgirl or sizzle roo that has the best FM (blackskin) to some fresh blood silkie hens. I would use the roo because it is the hardest to get strong FM in, after they are a year old it tends to get red or mulberry so breed the darkest roos. Most people mainly show hens because they express the FM the most. Also if you use a roo with no bowtie and breed it to normal silkies you will get 100% showgirls so once you get the right roos you can really up your production.
Will anyone have buff or porcelain showgirl hatching eggs for sale this upcoming spring?
Will need shipping to NJ & personally find that shipping from east of Mississippi is better on the eggs hatch rate for me.
So my turken rooster that i planned to keep is not acting very nice to the ladies and he is one of my only LF birds. My gold and white rooster is a barnyard mutt and i don't think he'd make very cute babies. Now if i were to get one of my two black show girl roosters what kind of offspring could i expect? What kind of percentage would be NN? Both look like this.


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