Sick 11 week old chick


5 Years
Apr 2, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
After spending her first night in the coop last night I came home this afternoon and found her open mouth breathing tail and wings hung low and when I picked her up she felt skinny. I don't suspect worms since they have been out in a sand run and I checked for parasites and she's clean. I did catch her having one sip of water and she ate 2-3 bites of scrambled egg. I have since separated her, put her in my house in a bin with food and water. She is usually a robust feisty Ameraucana who protests when I pick her up. But she melted in my arms when I picked her up today and is now laying down very quietly. :(

No idea what her poop looks like yet but I did find a green poop in the coop from last night. Signs of someone not eating, probably from her.

Any ideas or suggestions?

This was just her first night in the coop or everyone's first night?
How many total and what are the age differences..if there are any?
There were 8 total, 5 are 7 weeks and 3 are 11 weeks. All are happy pecking away today except her. The low was 50 degrees last night.

That's the first thing I thought when I saw her, I thought she must be traumatized from being outside. But then I thought that it couldn't be logical considering everyone else is fine.

I even did a late night bed check to make sure they were ok and they were all cuddled together and the coop was warm.

This was just her first night in the coop or everyone's first night?
How many total and what are the age differences..if there are any?
Something just doesn't look right to may just be this picture..can you post another one of her?
Did they all go out together or is she one of the younger ones...that joined the older ones out in the coop?
Someone could be picking at her?
She's just laying there, won't eat or drink. I made Her sugar water and regular water, dipped her beak in both and she won't drink.

She might just be frightened she's in a weird place?

She wouldn't have been picked on. The older 3 are the dominant group and everyone gets along. I've had zero pecking.

I am noticing she is breathing heavily but not openin her mouth. Again, she might just be frightened. I'm keeping her half covered as well so she feels safe.

Not sure what else to do.
No sign of poop yet, but I'd bet it's just going to be that neon green I haven't eaten poop color that I saw in the coop.
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Just to be clear because I don't think I answered your question, she's one of the older ones. The younger and older have been todgether for 2 weeks now. Out all day in the run together. No issues.

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