Sick Chicken

Does Louie have a comeback photo? Or can he?
Animals getting better is some of the best kind of news :celebrate Go Louie!

Here is a picture from yesterday. Louie is doing even better today!
I was taking care of the birds this morning and I saw one of my hens had wet eyes and she was making gurgling sounds. I moved her into the basement in a seperate carrier from Louie and started her on medicine. How can I prevent the rest of the flock from getting sick? I am also very worried about my two parrots upstairs, could they get the respiratory illness?
I was taking care of the birds this morning and I saw one of my hens had wet eyes and she was making gurgling sounds. I moved her into the basement in a seperate carrier from Louie and started her on medicine. How can I prevent the rest of the flock from getting sick? I am also very worried about my two parrots upstairs, could they get the respiratory illness?
Wow, he is a trooper! He looks great, although it looks like he came through a barfight with that swollen eye to show for it! Great job playing vet! 👍👍 you win!
Something encouraging is that you caught your hen super early, whereas your guy sounds like he was much more advanced when you found him sick. Just a thought - are they exposed to any wild birds, birdfeeders, other flocks, etc?
Wow, he is a trooper! He looks great, although it looks like he came through a barfight with that swollen eye to show for it! Great job playing vet! 👍👍 you win!
Something encouraging is that you caught your hen super early, whereas your guy sounds like he was much more advanced when you found him sick. Just a thought - are they exposed to any wild birds, birdfeeders, other flocks, etc?
He is a strong rooster! I live in a forested town area with a large wild bird population. The nearest flock is a stone's throw.
Update: Louie is doing better! My hen who is now quarantined is lethargic but hopefully the medicine will help.
I noticed a hen in the flock shwoing very early signs of the respiratory illness a few minutes ago.
Without testing, it's hard to know which disease you are dealing with and how it could affect your flock or other pet birds.
Since he's responded fairly well to the Tylan50 then possibly it's MG (Mycoplasma).
If it's MG, then your whole flock has been exposed and they all may become symptomatic at some point. It's best to treat birds as they become symptomatic rather than treating the whole flock, but if you end up with more, then it may be better to treat all with Denagard (Tiamulin) or you can get Tylosin (Tylan) powder that goes in the flock's water.

The flock would remain carriers for life. Here's some reading about diseases

For the hen that is not well, I would treat her with the Tylan50 and work on hydrating her.
Do look her over for lice/mites and see that her crop is emptying.
Thanks for the information.
I have 4 chicks about to hatch from my flock. Could they have MG too?
What is the best way to keep my neighbor's flocks safe from it?

I will keep an eye on the hen.

I am going out of town for 5 days tomorrow and my father is watching the chickens. He is happy to take care of the ones already quarantined but what should he do if more get sick? Should I purchase the tylosin or tiamulin and he can treat the quarantined birds and the flock?

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