Sick chickens, what to do?


In the Brooder
May 20, 2022
Well, I will just start from the beginning.

Chicken 1: just got her, started sneezing and coughing, open mouth breathing, like gaping. Didn't think something was wrong at first, she was drinking, eating, very active. One morning I went to the coop, and she was dead. Very unexpected since it was going better. She was like this for over a month.

Chicken 2: this is a silkie. She started sneezing about 3 weeks after her friends (chicken 1) died. Still eating, drinking ... Obviously, I was scared, didn't want to lose another chicken. I called my vet and explained everything. First thought they might have worms, so gave them deworming. Didn't work.

Chicken 3: a few days ago my other laying hen started sneezing, comb hanging a bit. Started giving all of my chickens (I have 3) antibiotics. I'm now on my final day and don't notice a difference. I gave them about 4ml of antibiotics in 2L of water.

Chicken 1 and 2 both stopped laying eggs. Chicken 3 is still laying but is acting strange. She's acting hostile towards chicken 2 out of nowhere. Overall, I'm very confused since they're drinking, eating ... acting normal besides the sneezing (bit of a snotty sound sometimes with chicken 3). My other chicken, also a laying hen, very old, doesn't show any signs of illness.

I don't know what to do. Deworming didn't do anything, antibiotics (5 days) doesn't do anything as well. Please help.
Chicken 3: a few days ago my other laying hen started sneezing, comb hanging a bit. Started giving all of my chickens (I have 3) antibiotics. I'm now on my final day and don't notice a difference. I gave them about 4ml of antibiotics in 2L of water.
What antibiotic have you been giving?
What was the dewormer, name and dose?
Please post a photo of the products since you are not in the U.S.

I'm sorry your others are showing signs of illness too. Maybe whatever the one you brought in, it spread to them? This is her in the thread below right?
What is your general location? Most state vets will perform a necropsy and test for common respiratory diseases for a nominal fee. The body must be kept cold and brought in or shipped overnight to arrive on a weekday. That is the best way to find out what your chickens have. Here is a list of state vets:
What antibiotic have you been giving?
What was the dewormer, name and dose?
Please post a photo of the products since you are not in the U.S.

I'm sorry your others are showing signs of illness too. Maybe whatever the one you brought in, it spread to them? This is her in the thread below right?
That's the one that passed away. I'm in Belgium, I will call my vet to ask for the names and post a pic.
What is your general location? Most state vets will perform a necropsy and test for common respiratory diseases for a nominal fee. The body must be kept cold and brought in or shipped overnight to arrive on a weekday. That is the best way to find out what your chickens have. Here is a list of state vets:
I'm in Belgium. The cost of it all is the biggest issue. I'm young, so my parents decide. Convinced them to get deworming and antibiotics but I can't convince them to get them to a vet. It's way too expensive for a 'chicken'.

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