Sick duck

Yes it is the Cayuga. When I looked at the inventory list, they had it listed as a female. So when I called I thought that the duck was a female, but she called this morning and realized that there was a mistake with the list and that it is actually a drake. It is around the same age as my drake, I just worry about them fighting and trying to figure out who is alpha male.
That can be a problem, I know during breeding season thumper has hers separated with short fencing.
They don't have any females available? I mean keeping an all drake flock can be done but it requires a lot of work. Although having females with a drake can require work if he over aggressive when mating.
The only females they have right now are like a week old. I can only have 3 max (per husband’s request) but he would be happy if I could make it work between the two males. If absolutely needed, I have a spot to separate them if they fight during breeding season. I just hate to do that. I feel like I’m in such a pickle. I wish there was a way to know if it would work for sure, but I know it would probably be a trial and error type thing.
You've got a little time before your ducks start brawling. Separating your two drakes isn't that bad, I let mine see each other through a short fence made of hardware cloth. They get time together, but only when I'm supervising. They finally figured out I didn't want them fighting, and would go behind my garage to fight!
This year I have added two runners. I'll see how things go before separating anyone.
Right now they're snuggling together in their house!
You've got a little time before your ducks start brawling. Separating your two drakes isn't that bad, I let mine see each other through a short fence made of hardware cloth. They get time together, but only when I'm supervising. They finally figured out I didn't want them fighting, and would go behind my garage to fight!
This year I have added two runners. I'll see how things go before separating anyone.
Right now they're snuggling together in their house!
I may try it out. Do yours become more aggressive towards each other in the spring and summer?
Yes, early May. I'm told hormones have something to do with the amount of sunlight they get.
This was video is when they first started fighting and had no idea what was going on.
Here they are in their seperated daytime arrangement mid-Summer. I don't leave the hose on all day though.
I went away for the last week in August, they stopped fighting and my duck sitters put them back together. One went into a phase of chasing me a few weeks before, probably a dominance thing.
I have seen first hand how rough my drake could be with my girl. Hopefully he decides to be nice to the new guy! I like the way that you have them separated. I am going to have my husband take a look at it to see if he can do something similar. We have been talking about adding on to the fence anyways to give more room to our dog. I also hope the new duck likes my dog and vice versa. She and my drake have a good relationship now, so I hope she will be nice to the new duck. Sorry to pick your brain so much, but do your drakes sleep in the same quarters all night? I always put mine up at night because we have coyotes in our field, and I’m terrified they will tear through my fence. I have a top tier to the coop I could put one in and keep the other in the bottom, but that would require me catching one first which isn’t really my thing haha
I have seen first hand how rough my drake could be with my girl. Hopefully he decides to be nice to the new guy! I like the way that you have them separated. I am going to have my husband take a look at it to see if he can do something similar. We have been talking about adding on to the fence anyways to give more room to our dog. I also hope the new duck likes my dog and vice versa. She and my drake have a good relationship now, so I hope she will be nice to the new duck. Sorry to pick your brain so much, but do your drakes sleep in the same quarters all night? I always put mine up at night because we have coyotes in our field, and I’m terrified they will tear through my fence. I have a top tier to the coop I could put one in and keep the other in the bottom, but that would require me catching one first which isn’t really my thing haha
I do seperate them at night, in the summer. I have a doghouse and a duck house, they're about the same size, and connected, with a removable divider. Again they can see but not touch each other. They were funny, I would say "other side" and Scooter would obediently go to his side of the fence thru the house and I'd put the divider in!
Whatever you do they will get into the routine.
I think I misunderstood you had 2 drakes. I think you have a pair. You might be able to find a female around the same age as yours on Craigslist, or Then you'll have 2 girls for your Drake which might be enough !
I’m sorry, my female actually passed on Monday. I still haven’t got used to saying just he, so I keep saying them. I will be getting a drake tomorrow, so tomorrow I will have two drakes.

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