Sick girl, but I can't figure out what's up.

She's still with us this morning. I got another 15mg of Clindamycin in her, and she willingly had a few sips of raw scrambled egg and few sips of water from her bowl. This girl y'all. She seems excited about food for a second here or there, but just won't actually eat any. I put another Tums in her, the calcium and sugar can't hurt.

Edit: She just got herself up and ate more of the egg and drank some water. She's sitting almost all the time now, so this little adventure is notable.
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All I have is Clindamycin oral drops. I do have some oxytetracycline for the larger animals, but it's a high concetration injectable and I don't want to crack the seal on the bottle.
I will not tube her until she's weaker. She's still got a LOT of struggle in her. I'm 99% sure she has EYP. She's just gotten up twice more to sip egg and drink water.

Edit: More egg, more water, and eating real food! Just a few bites, but some!

Edit 2: Well, she's still here. Still taking short trips back to the water bowl and egg bowl every 30 mins or so. She's resting and sitting, but not sleeping as much as she was. Holding head up better. Some mucousy poos, but some normal stuff in them too. Comb and wattles still very pale though.
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She's starting to show permanently labored breathing, slight open mouth breathing with no exertion, and so she will be PTS as soon as the vet opens. The antibiotics are not strong enough (or she's laying internally) and I'm not going the surgery, hormonal implants, etc route.

If I had to do anything different, I would have started antibiotics sooner. The idea that she had a stuck egg made me delay. If this ever happens again, I'm going to simultaneously treat for egg binding and egg peritonitis from jump - it can't hurt.

Thank you all for going through this with me. I hope it's a learning experience for anyone else who ever runs across this thread.

RIP Baby Chicken - You were the sweetest little velociraptor ever.
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