Sick Goat


7 Years
Feb 22, 2012
Northeast Ohio
My neighbor's goat has been acting sick since yesterday morning. Last night I went over and checked it's temp. and it was 104.2. He wasn't walking much and just kind of layed there. He also was breathing a lot. This morning I went over to check on him and his temp. was 102.8 and he was walking a bit more than last night. Now the issue is he has really, really bad diarrhea. It is pure liquid. I noticed that he takes a minute to sit down too, kind of like he's in pain. His breathing appears to still be kind of heavy. I gave him bloat meds last night just in case. They have been pretty much feeding them 24/7 and they are young as they have just recently been banded. Any suggestions?

BTW: I posted this on BYH too. Just seems as if this site gets more action.
It sounds like you did the right thing with the bloat medication... Is it just the one goat with these symptoms? Have you seen him urinating at all?
Yes it is just the one ( toggenburg ) the other one ( lamancha ) is very active and fine. It has been urinating as I have been paying special attention to that as I know that their urinary tract can easily get blocked.
Therabloat was the name of the medicine. I don't think he could of gotten into anything as they have been locked in the barn every time I looked and there is nothing in there for them to get into.
Has the goat been dewormed? Stop feeding pellets. Feed only hay, grass, and leaves. Mix one part Corn Oil, one part Molasses, one part Kayro syrup. Rip up a piece of bread, preferably whole wheat. Pour the drench mixture on it , and feed it to the goat. If the goat has not been dewormed, deworm it. Give the goat 3 ccs of Milk of Magnesia or Kaopectate. Give the goat electrolytes in its water. This is what I would do if it were my goat. I am not a vet, but have been raising goats for 5 years now. Is this goat still getting milk? If so, stop milk, feed electrolytes only for a couple feedings, then slowly mix milk with electrolytes, in increasing amounts over the next few feedings.
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No milk. They are completely weaned. I gave her everything you said and told her it should help. I also mentioned the poisoning and the lady I called said the heat could of caused it. The breeder who they got them from said the same thing. So hopefully it gets better.
Yes, I hope it helps. I lost some young goats to worms when I first started, it is a big problem in goats. I have not had heat problems with goats unless they can't get water.

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