Sick Golden Sex Link


May 26, 2015
One of our two-year old Golden Sex Links is ill. Butterscotch was sick in January as well, exceedingly lethargic, diarrhea and had stopped eating and drinking, but we were able to coax her back with the help of some antibiotics and electrolytes that manager at the local farm store recommended. She eventually was able to rejoin the rest of the girls out in their enclosed run/coop and had been doing fine. She's been a little "off" lately though I couldn't really put my finger on what it was since she still seemed excited about food, but in the last few days it's been obvious something is definitely wrong. We relocated her back to the big brooder cage in the garage. She's all puffed up and has her head tucked in, and her comb has turned a really dark red. She's been walking funny, kinda shuffling, and today I saw her fall over a couple times. Her breast bone (?) seems to be really protruding. Her stool is super watery but she still has an appetite and gets really excited for treats. We're trying to do another round of those antibiotics from the farm store that just gets dissolved in the water, but Butterscotch doesn't seem to be drinking a lot, not that we've noticed anyway (She doesn't seem to like the electrolyte stuff so I haven't been adding that). I've been dunking pieces of bread in the antibiotic water and she's practically inhaling those. We have ten chickens (used to be eleven, but we were devastated to find one of our Black Sex Links dead on the coop floor with absolutely no warning in early April) and all the rest of the girls seem healthy and their usual selves. I'm not sure if this makes us bad chicken parents, but we haven't done any deworming or vaccines or medications since they stopped eating the medicated chick feed eons ago. I've tried researching on here but Butterscotch's symptoms just seem so mixed it could be anything??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, our girls are part of the family and I hate not knowing what to do to make Butterscotch feel better.
Is she laying or any egg bound symptoms have you seen when my chicken did this she lay soft shell egg ,and my other chicken when did she egg bound have only this little experience ,hope she get well soon,Thanks
We haven't seen an egg from her since she's been in isolation. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure if she's been laying at all since being sick before. I've seen a couple small brown eggs over the past couple months that I thought might have been her starting to lay again, but we have a couple brown egg girls so I can't say for sure.

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