What should I do for her
Well my chicken died of coccidiosis but I was a first time chicken owner so I did not really know what was going on with her. I only found out very late that was coccidiosis so I couldn’t really do anything for her. What I would suggest is if she’s not eating give her chick crumb, this is what my chicken liked. It was the only thing she would eat. Just generally feed her whatever she will eat chick crumb mix with some fat could work. For water you can use some herbal stuff to mix in with the water. They seem to like this. If she gets a dirty bottom then clean it with warm water. Generally Make sure the whole cage is clean give it a proper clean up after you’ve done that separate her from the other chickens. Be very careful to feed her whatever she will eat and make sure that is a priority as my chicken did not eat much and I thought she’d come round but she didn’t and I found her one morning collapsed and unable to walk this is because she did not have enough energy so feed her lots.
Well my chicken died of coccidiosis but I was a first time chicken owner so I did not really know what was going on with her. I only found out very late that was coccidiosis so I couldn’t really do anything for her. What I would suggest is if she’s not eating give her chick crumb, this is what my chicken liked. It was the only thing she would eat. Just generally feed her whatever she will eat chick crumb mix with some fat could work. For water you can use some herbal stuff to mix in with the water. They seem to like this. If she gets a dirty bottom then clean it with warm water. Generally Make sure the whole cage is clean give it a proper clean up after you’ve done that separate her from the other chickens. Be very careful to feed her whatever she will eat and make sure that is a priority as my chicken did not eat much and I thought she’d come round but she didn’t and I found her one morning collapsed and unable to walk this is because she did not have enough energy so feed her lots.
I’ve been getting her to eat mashed up pellets with water. Will she be ok?

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