Sick Hen

2.5 years old...standing still in the corner with egg all over her....gave her a bath to get the egg off as she was looking very uncomfortable and sticky...she has done nothing but sleep all day...still inside laying down and now she is panting...white liquid (poop?/pee?) just drained from her...heavy breathing and lethargy

Hi @shaggythehen
You mention that she had egg all over her, was this from eating it (on face and neck) or was the egg matter on her belly and vent?
Did she lay an egg yesterday?
When you gave her a bath did you notice any swelling or bloat around the abdomen?

I agree with the others, the bluish comb can be an indicator of not enough oxygen. It could be the heart itself or it could be a symptom of an internal laying/reproductive disorder like Egg Yolk Peritonitis, Ascites, cancer or tumors.

Some symptoms include:
  • lethargy
  • difficulty breathing - this can be from swelling of egg masses/matter/fluids in the abdomen which will restrict oxygen flow and overload internal organs (organ failure)
  • going off water/feed
  • weight loss
  • loose dropping which can sometimes look like egg, the color of egg yolks or combination
  • lameness or difficulty walking
If you have a vet, they can rule out cocci, worms and bacterial infection, and most of the time see if there are tumors or egg masses in the abdomen through xray.

Do the best you can to keep her hydrated and comfortable. Offer some poultry vitamins and see if she will take a little egg or tuna.

Unfortunately, if it is a repro/internal disorder as mentioned above, the most common method of treatment is giving supportive care (comfort, food, water). Antibiotics may be helpful if caught VERY early, but usually when symptoms are seen they can be quite advanced. Depending on what condition she is suffering from - sometimes fluid can be drained from the abdomen to give some relief. Alternatively some people have had some success with Suprelorin implants - in the UK it seems more available, but a vet knowledgeable about chickens can advise whether or not she may benefit.

Just my thoughts.

Internal laying:

Ok so I just picked her up and examined her once again and there is no egg in her vent that I can feel,her crop (which I am certainly not an expert at checking!) doesn't feel like it's impacted. I can feel a little something like grain or fluid squishing around in there? However she won't stand up at all she must have just layer in her little box we made up for her inside all night. There was poo and pee in the corner that she just layed in(all liquid) still breathing very heavy. I got her to drink some water however she refused scrambled egg and feed?!
Thank you Wyorp Rock! The egg was on her feathers and neck like she had laid in the box that another chicken had eaten an egg in. However the symptoms you listed sound exactly like what she is going through! I will post pics of her comb. Thank you for your help!
I agree with all that Wyorp Rock has said here. And while a blue comb can indicate heart issues, heart disease generally comes on slowly, no so sudden. I am guessing something is either swollen internally to make breathing more difficult or she has contracted some viral or bacterial disease that is causing circulatory problems. There are many viral ailments that cause combs to turn bluish, purple and go limp, along with heart disease and arterial hypertension. I once had a hen that had issues with laying, I did suspect internal laying and her comb frequently turned purple. However my personal opinion on this was the two were unrelated. I think the comb color stemmed from a viral infection of some sort that was causing the egg laying trouble. I know I am contradicting myself here, LOL, diagnosing two untelated symptoms is never easy!

I would give her as much supportive care as possible, separate her to a quite soft area. If she goes off her feed, feed her what EVER she will eat even if its anything from grapes to Cherrios. Sick birds are very picky eaters, so find something she will eat and keep her eating. Eggs, warm oatmeal or warm grits are favorite. As is cooked Maruchan noodles. (They look like worms) Let her sleep much of the day, no free ranging. Give her vitamins too and hopefully she heals over time. Antibiotics dont work on virus's but if she has and respiatory ailments, these could be secondary infection and you might get her started on them.

Keep us posted! :)
Poor dear:hugs

As @TwoCrows mentions whatever she will eat is fine. Getting fluids into her is priority.
Do you think the crop is still squishy yesterday and didn't empty overnight? I do understand your concern about the crop as well. Everything is related, so it is so hard to determine the cause of her going down hill.
Update on our sick baby...
She is much more alert this morning!!! Has stopped heavy breathing and is actively drinking! Over the last 24 hours I have been giving her vitamins and electrolytes in her water along with oxytetracycline antibiotic. At the point she was at Saturday I decided I need to cover all the bases and see if the antibiotics would help. My main concern now is that she still will not eat or stand?! If I pick he up she tries to stand for a moment and then just flops over. She is having all liquid poo and I am changing the pads under her often to keep the pee and poo off of her. I see a difference so I am hopeful! I will try a scrambled egg again this morning and continue with all the liquids. Any ideas why she wouldn't be standing? Possibly just weakness? I will try to post a video soon. Thanks!
The poor thing :barnie
I think you could also try putting sugar in the water in place of the electrolytes. Was there anything dead or moldy feed anywhere near the pen or area where she roams? Does she wheeze? :rolleyes:

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