Matilda hen

7 Years
Apr 11, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all , i need a bit of advice! Well i have a scots dumpy rooster , they are extremely rare , and there are very few , so i decided to purchase some hatching eggs a few years ago. Finally after around 2 years of locating eggs , i found some , bought them , stuck em under a broody hen and 4 hatched , they were all stolen , 1 was killed, looked like she was stood on by accident. I was very upset , but got on with things , UNTIL there a while ago , one of my ducks was stolen , shes a mallard X aylesbury , and the most beautiful duck ive ever come accross , i hatched and reared her myself. She was a young beautiful friendly healthy female duck , i really got attached to her , she was a character but 7 months old , and she was stolen! All these birds were good looking expensive young birds, all taken from a secure shed , chosen over some more common breeds , and crossbreeds. Im fit to go hunt the son of a b**** and go hell for leather , but i know that isnt the answer , so what do you all propose i should do? The police say it was a fox , but fox's dont unlock bolts in the middle of the night , and choose the more expensive , prettier birds over fatter , of less-expensive birds do they! This is wrecking my head
heres photos of the birds stolen

I would make their pens im passable except for a door and have that door pad locked and I would invest in a dog to keep with your chickens!! But make sure you post signs beware of dog( signs might help detur) you need something to let you know when someone is outside your house where they don't belong!! I'd even invest in cameras even if they are dummy ones the idea of a camera will scare people off too!! Just gotta think like a thief!! Good luck
Do you have a game cam, or do you have the finances to be able to afford a game cam or other hidden camera (obviously without light on it) that you could place outside of the coop? That would be the most obvious answer (then you can see and verify exactly what is getting in and how).

If you don't have access to a camera (or are unable to buy one) - do you work outside of the home? Meaning - do you have the ability to change your sleep cycle for a while so you can hold a stakeout on the chicken coop...and get your sleep during the day instead?

I have to agree with you in regard to these chickens - sounds like "fowl play" by a human being to me - rather than a fox.

What I don't understand is why the police would tell you it's a fox if they have no proof of that (they usually don't do that unless there is proof). Did they find something that would cause them to say "fox"?

What is your relationship like with some of your neighbors?

I'm so very sorry this is happening to you...what a horrible loss, especially not knowing how it happened.

[Edit] Before considering placing any sort of "beware of dog" sign anywhere on your property - please check your city ordinances or county ordinances in regard to doing this. "Beware of Dog" signs where I live, for instance, will do nothing but get you in a lot of hot water. Our laws stipulate that if you had a beware of dog sign then you are aware that your dog is a danger to the community. You'll be the one slapped with a fine and possible jail time - not the trespasser. "Dog on Premises" signs are a safer alternative, as they do not say "danger" "beware" etc...but simply state fact.
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Thanks , ive 3 dogs , their pets but if they even hear a sound they go absolutely mental , barking , growling , scratching at the door , and would **** right tear anyone or thing that went near the chooks or ducks apart , and they didnt hear a thing , so this person knows his way around! I live extremely rural , so i think a few camera's are a good idea alright , as penning isnt an option , so ill invest in a few cams :) thanks
And clucky charms , thankyou i did stay up all night there a while ago at the horses stable (next to the chooks and ducks coops) and nothing , these people , or person are planning well! and the police jst kept saying my area is wriddled with fox's , and they cant prove a thing so cant do nothing :/ and as for neighbours...well there is none for a few miles! ugh iuts a nightmare of a situation , ill just have to save up for a few good camera's! im at home all day and niht wit the smallholding
I wouldn't start pointing fingers at anyone specifically (and it could still be foxes but I think that line of reasoning is a bit unbelievable at best, due to your explanation of the situation).

You say your coop is bolted shut - so clearly if the locks are still bolted in the morning - it's not an animal getting through the door (no animal is that blasted smart).

However - did you look extensively around the entire exterior and interior of the coop to make certain there are no other access points (such as holes that were dug through the soil and under the shed, etc)? What about the inside of the coop? Were their any feathers left inside from when the chickens went missing? Any blood spots? What about fecal matter? Anything out of the ordinary *at all* inside the coop?

Do you know what time of day or night this took place (approximately)?

I would also drive to all of your neighbors homes within a 10 mile radius of you. NOT to accuse, but I would be very friendly and neighborly, and ask them if they've had any livestock (particularly fowl) go missing from their property. Compare notes if they have. I'd also ask if they've seen any unknown vehicles in the area during this time frame that you've had missing fowl. And who knows - you may end up having better relationships with your neighbors because of it. Neighbors who like each other usually look out for each other. =)

From what you say - it seems that you live in a very rural setting (no neighbors for miles around) so I would think a stranger in the area would be easy to spot.
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Well , all i know is it happned at night , as for the shed they were taken from , all the others were fine , apart from the mother hen being a litle stressed , and the other ducks were all perfect , the only way in is the door , and its a concrete shed. No feathers , blood or dropping )apart from chicken and duck of course) But one bolt was left unbolted (there are 3 alltogether) yet still the police are banging on about that! they say even if it was a person , theres nothing they can do until thye find definate proof , so i think the camera's are the best way too go. Thankyou all so much , youve got my head going a lot lol and definatley getting camera's now.
Well , all i know is it happned at night , as for the shed they were taken from , all the others were fine , apart from the mother hen being a litle stressed , and the other ducks were all perfect , the only way in is the door , and its a concrete shed. No feathers , blood or dropping )apart from chicken and duck of course) But one bolt was left unbolted (there are 3 alltogether) yet still the police are banging on about that! they say even if it was a person , theres nothing they can do until thye find definate proof , so i think the camera's are the best way too go. Thankyou all so much , youve got my head going a lot lol and definatley getting camera's now. they can blatantly refuse to believe it's anything other than foxes with absolutely no proof whatsoever - but won't even entertain the idea of a human being stealing them?

I wish you luck with this, please keep us apprised of the situation, as I would really like to see a happy ending!
So sorry to hear about your lost babies! (Is Zeus safe?)

One thing that I did not hear mentioned that could help is a motion detector that will activate an alarm in your house to alert you of possible 2 legged predators. My dad uses this type of alarm to notify him of anyone opening his front gate, which is down a long driveway and not visible from his house. The down side of motion detectors is that anything can set them off (animals, blowing leaves, even large bugs if they get in the sweet spot), but if you set it to cover the area around the door where you think the thieves are entering, you will know when anyone uses that door.

Also, keep an eye out for advertisements in your area offering Scots Dumpys for sale. Although you may not be able to claim what is yours, you might at least find out who it is taking your babies. Personally, I would want to look the rat right in the eye and let them know that I know who they are.

So sorry for your loss, especially after all the hard work and expense.
Best wishes to you.
Thankyou so much , and zeus was taken, with cole and cas , and persil was killed , very sad. And yes , well they are the only dumpys in ireland apart from the parents , and Rocky my rooster , thats proved , so i am keeping a good eye out thanks :)

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