Sick or attacked?


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2017
Heres a photo of my chicken at the moment. She was fine this morning but after 4 hours she looked this and i cant tell if its because shes been attacked or if its a sickness. She doesnt have too much energy but is responding. All my birds are free range.
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Yes she was. It looks too clean for an attack. My partner was very worried and tried comforting her. I was worried about the other chickens attacking her while she is wounded but they just went about their day.
Thank you i love this website!!!
Welcome to BYC.....sorry you're having troubles.

Not seeing any wound, maybe pic is not clear enough or I really am half blind.
I see a kinda bare belly, pink skin, and maybe scratch?
She may have been attacked and gotten away with merely a scratch.
Doesn't mean she might not be in shock and/or injured internally.

Usually best to get them some place quiet and warm, make sure they are eating and drinking,
and just give them some time to recover.
Check her over real good for any wounds.
I like to use a crate right in the coop for isolation.
Thank you for your reply. I think the only thing is she has been attacked but i had 3 other chickens free ranging with her and they were completely fine just going about their day which i thought was strange especially if there was an attack. The next day she was completely fine
I suspect this hen may have internal injuries. Sick hens, as opposed to injured ones, will be upright but motionless, standing around on the outskirts of the flock with tail held low and flat.

Here are some things to look for. The comb - is it a dusty purple/grey? This might indicate injury to the lungs. Breathing - is it raspy with "clicking" sounds? Again, lung injury. Look very carefully at the skin under all her feathers. Any scratches or punctures? Any greenish or grey bruising? Missing feathers - indicates an aborted attack.

There is also a chance your hen got into a pesticide. Insecticides or solvents containing benzene can affect the nervous system and cause paralysis, followed by death.
She definitely didnt get into pesticides. She is completely fine now she must of just been in shock over something.

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