Sick rooster


Jan 21, 2018
Johnstown Colorado
My rooster is sick. He’s been a bit sleepy the past few days, his comb has been a bit pale but his waddle is bright, his poop is runny and orange/brown.

Today he wouldn’t leave the nesting box even though I was handing out treats. The rest of the flock is doing just fine, they recently recovered from a respiratory illness, although the rooster in question never showed any signs of illness.

I’ve relocated him to the garage and he’s seemed to perk up slightly (I pet him and he moved his feet, if that counts as perking up). It’s cold out today, but the garage is about 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit. I have warm water set out for him. I lifted his wing and didn’t see anything but it did have a slight smell.

The past few days he’s been going for treats and eating and drinking, still a bit sleepy. A few weeks ago he got some frostbite on his comb because he ran away, hence the black tipped comb. He also hasn’t crowed or attempted to mate in the past few days from what I can tell.

Seconds before I took this picture, he pooped. I’m very worried. Anyone have any suggestions?
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