I am hoping someone can help me! I have (6) 6 day old silkie chicks. I received them 8/30 and one was just noisy as can be, so I checked her out and noticed one of her eyes was just half way open. I would say it also looks a bit more swollen than the other. I wiped with warm water, and have been wiping with a saline rinse every day as well. She has been eating, drinking, poop looks normal, no pasty butt, and she chirps loudly and all day long until just this morning when I found her sleepy and chirping more quietly. Her chirp seems a tad rattly also and she’s off balance. She just sits in my hand I’m so sad!!! I have two warming pads in the brooder so they are nice and toasty, and I have been giving sav a chick electrolytes in their water and chick starter food. Please help! Am I too late?