*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Dang it, that Harvey!!!!!! He just tried to corner me...but I drove him off. I found one sure fire way of dealing with him. I being a shapeshifter turn into Shrek then have a releaseof err, ehhhh .... swampgas and that sends him packing. Unfortunately afterwards I have to have a really long shower.....eeewww.
Dang it, that Harvey!!!!!! He just tried to corner me...but I drove him off. I found one sure fire way of dealing with him. I being a shapeshifter turn into Shrek then have a releaseof err, ehhhh .... swampgas and that sends him packing. Unfortunately afterwards I have to have a really long shower.....ee
The shower can't help.

what you need is a skunk.
RUDE? Someone in the Kingdom, was rude?
The Queen pro tem has a special touch? Brin g on those handcuffs - just no Chucky as part of the package.

I didn't see you in Denmark. Did I?
Now, you see? THIS is why I don't like to play with Shrek!

Nice to see you, JD; but could you just . . . . stay . . . . yeah, over there. Downwind is good.
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