*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Paper Mache, on the other hand . . . .
On my evening walkabout I just heard a screech owl and thought, Mom? My mother had many superstitions - among them was that if you heard a screech owl three nights in a row - someone in the immediate family would die. Beware the screech owl that sang in our yard. Out she would go to protect the family beating on an old galvanized wash tub to scare the durn thing away. Is it any surprise that I am slightly warped?
True story, there once was a lady that was hooked on eating toilet paper..clean.

And a lady that was hooked on eating sponge. Like the mattress kind.
Sea Squirt..too pretty to eat.
Don't care what ya say Alaskan..you will say something.....don't care .. too pretty.

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