*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I just found this note.........it reads "I'm sorry about what I did, but I can not allow any Royal Flushes.

yours truly, Harvey"

I'm not sure what to make of it.
Oh, Cr**. Baby
, you just had to equip Harvey with a teleportation device, didn't you? Like he can't get into enough mischief here at home.

.I guess I know now why we have a ban on cyanoacrylate sales in the labyrinth. I wondered.

(Though I must admit, a lot of the labyrinth dwellers wouldn't have a clue what a toilet is, never mind sabotaging one.

Sorry, JD. We have a can of acetone that was left over after the portcullis was last painted. It's not much, but if it's an emergency . . . .

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