*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

We are supposed to get it pretty good tomorrow and the next day, from the hurricane coming up from Mexico. Hope you dry out soon. :)
try setting off some firecrackers...in the house.

That will get you all hopping!
I'd rather not. It takes forever to get the smell out.
Has anyone seen my walker?
Oh, that's right - I don't have one (yet). My old body has spent 9 of the last 16 days helping at/attending field trials. I just don't bounce back like I used to.

On a positive note Baby Jayne garnered the first win of this season for any of my dogs.
Has anyone seen my walker?
Oh, that's right - I don't have one (yet). My old body has spent 9 of the last 16 days helping at/attending field trials. I just don't bounce back like I used to.

On a positive note Baby Jayne garnered the first win of this season for any of my dogs.

Don't bring up the word walker, hope you knocked on wood after saying that...
Now, to share our Great Grandbabies Blessing Day. This is the first time I've been able to hold her...two weeks later, because I've been sick. Loved holding her!

I have a ton more photos, but I will let ya'll get on with your chatting about .. about...hmmm, about....??
Has anyone seen my walker?
Oh, that's right - I don't have one (yet). My old body has spent 9 of the last 16 days helping at/attending field trials. I just don't bounce back like I used to.

On a positive note Baby Jayne garnered the first win of this season for any of my dogs.
Way to go, Baby Jayne! Good girl!

Sorry, Sour, haven't seen a walker - but I have seen your supply of pain relievers. Yikes!

Aww. There is nothing sweeter than holding a sleeping baby - it's like the whole world just stops.
Well, just found out what got hit by that lightning strike a couple of nights ago. There's a pine tree in the pasture about 50 feet from my back door. There are two streaks of missing bark that run to the ground on the side of the trunk opposite the house. We don't go on that side of the tree very often, which is why it took this long to spot it. It's ironic - this area was densely wooded a dozen years ago, but pine borers and our goats have killed everything else that stood around this tree. There are lots of other trees less than 100 feet away in just about any direction that are taller, but this is the one that was struck. Pines don't usually survive a strike, and with two areas of damage on the trunk, I doubt this one will be the exception.

I'm counting myself blessed - I usually put hay down for Latte and Sunny about 30 feet from this tree, but with rowdy weather coming in, I had put it in their stalls that evening. The barn is a little more than 100 feet away from this tree, but that's where they were, and evidently it was far enough, because they are fine. If they had been eating hay at the usual spot, the story might be different.

Ironically, this is the second time these two horses have been unnervingly close to a lightning strike. Last summer, when they were at a different barn, a PVC birdhouse on the fence line of the pasture was exploded by a lightning bolt. Perhaps because of all the shrapnel flying about, they were jumpy for a couple of days after that one; this time, they seem unfazed.
Bad here two nights ago - lightning, heavy rain and winds brought lots of trees down. We lost power for 4 + hours. I love my new generator.

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