*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Oh, I don't know about that Bunny...

From years of experience I know EXACTLY how
far my wife can reach.

Just as I know how fast she is when mad.

Spook...whos been married a LONG time.
For some reason, I get the feeling she can't throw any better than I can.

True story - I worked for a pizza place at one time. One of the managers and I - well, let's just say we clashed a bit. One time I was answering phones when he was making a pizza. He tossed the dough up and missed it, and it fell on the floor. He picked it up and went on working it. I didn't say anything, I just looked at him. When I looked away, smack! He threw the pizza crust at me, and the clingy mess completely enveloped my head. I pulled it off and threw it back at him, missed him, but it landed in the sauce bucket. Tomato sauce all over the walls!! So, guess who had to go get another bucket of sauce and clean up the mess.
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I figure if Spook's wife could throw well, her speed and reach wouldn't matter so much, because her effective striking range would be that much greater. How's your hearing, Spook?
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Seriously, eenie, she thinks there is 'something wrong' with all of us.
She's the most 'normal' person that she knows. Seriously scary - that!

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