*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)


@sourland too many instructions for me...

Please demonstrate. :bow
Wish that I could, but I have a fungal infection and must stay dry. It's simple 'Al'. Enter the moat sans clothing, slap the surface of the water to gain THEIR attention and yell, "meat me, meat me, meat me." I guarantee that THEY will make their presence known. They are curious little 'seekers'.
Wish that I could, but I have a fungal infection and must stay dry. It's simple 'Al'. Enter the moat sans clothing, slap the surface of the water to gain THEIR attention and yell, "meat me, meat me, meat me." I guarantee that THEY will make their presence known. They are curious little 'seekers'.
Wow... sounds way too complicated...

You have a frugal infection... just take me grocery shopping... that will cure it

I am to enter the most sand in my clothing... but dude... that means I have to buy the sand, or go to the beach... and that beach is covered in ice! Brrr

And what else did you say? I need sneakers? I don't have any...

I learn so much better by watching.
I heard that you are a big video fan.

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