Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

Katy; I think the point I was trying to make is that I just think about stuff like this more than many people and I am predisposed to be wary. I'm sorry that you had to worry with DES issues, too. I guess this is part of the reason that I just have to do things that make sense to me without giving too much credence to what somebody else writes or recommends when it comes to food (and medicine)...
I would imagine their site covers the issues from their standpoint about the same as their opponents' websites cover their opposing view.

I guess my point in posting those links was...and I've said this before.....every viewpoint can quote something to support their view whether it's based on facts or not.

Do the opposing websites ever make any statements about any farmers who were investigated and Monsanto found no fault or chose not to do anything? I haven't seen anything like that.....I've only seen the same farmers' cases showcased over and over again.

I was suggesting taking out the 'opinons' and reading what parts cover scientific studies, actual points of law & figures found back fact. Problem with the internet these days, is the problem with journalism. Instead of ONLY stating facts, they all through in their opinons (it happens in the newspaper with everything from crime to politics), you just have to learn to throw the verbage that is opinion out the window, and come up with your own.

I have read through Monsanto's entire website (admittedly not in the last few months), and nothing really has been changed in that short of time. I understand they are a business, and they have their rights to create their products. I personally have no position on what they do, I stand on the government end where I want labels, I want them to do their own studies by passing any studies that Monsanto has done in a 'final' decision and simple allow me my choices.
The problem is (as I see it), our choices are not 'do I want vanilla or do I want chocolate?'. They are
do I want to cut off my arm or do I want to cut off my leg?"...

I have a lot of respect for all of you... Katy... Even if you are a bit ornery some times.. I do respect the way you debate your side of things...

With that said I did read most of both links you posted... I hope you looked at Frostys link.. I found it represented my feelings well. (Once you get past the bla bla in the first few paragraphs.)

So we see the companies position via their web site...

Where can we find pro GMO studies that do not have ties to the flow of cash from it. (I unfortunately do not fully believe what comes out of the Government because of appointed positions being filled by people from the industry they should be policing, and because of the influence of lobby dollars.)

Any studies PRO GMO that are not in the money stream? (With no conflict of interest?)

Matter of fact Katy, if anything you and farmers like you may be their best "case". (Even though you are some what in the money stream and the company has spent a pretty penny marketing their product to you.) Regardless your insight is quite relevant......
SO I need to ask...

What are the downsides or negatives (if any) you see on your farm? Have you needed to apply increased amounts of round up each year? Increases in fertilizers? Increase in insect problems? What do you see when you rotate in a non roundup ready crop into a field that has had corn or beans on it for several season?

Be well
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Thanks for sharing Katy,
Interesting.. Indeed if things were more clear cut without so many variables. The debate would not exist.

OK, we were out of home made horseradish. So I bought a jar of the simple "old fashioned" kind, to have with our corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes.

Guess what "they" put in horseradish???????????????? SOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry this is weird. Tuna and horseradish are both a source of soy... GMO soy to boot...........................

Another angle here............ I wished corn and soy were not so cheap, so food processors would have to use a variety of ingredients.

Whether GMO's are good for you , bad for you or indifferent....................There is way way too much soy and corn added to products these days.....

So another reason to be apposed to GMO, is it makes corn and soy production too easy, and the commodities too cheap, so companies use them as filler too frequently..

I wouldn't say corn and soy are cheap....yesterday at our local coop corn closed over $6 per bushel and beans closed at almost $13......not very long ago we thought $4 beans and $3 corn was good.......of course that's before input costs sky-rocketed too. We used to think $200 per ton anhydrous was expensive......a couple of years ago it went up to over $900 per ton, went down a little for a while and now is back up to $700+ per ton.

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