Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

We Americans need to fight like the Egyptians are fighting, right now. We need a revolution for FREEDOM, in our food supply! This just boils my blood to no end.
Its not just the GM/GE crops but the crops that are Round-Up Ready as well.

Those are one and the same.

If you're going to protest something it's good to learn the truth about it​
Those are one and the same.

If you're going to protest something it's good to learn the truth about it

No they are not.
The made a GM tomato with fish genes so it wouldn't spoil as fast. There wasn't any Round-Up inserted into the tomatoe's DNA.

If you're going to protest something it's good to learn the truth about it
First off, I want to make it very clear that I am against Round-Up, and had a really big fight with DH because he sprayed the stuff all through the garden last spring.

That being said... I went on a mission to find anything on line about Round-Up not being so safe, and this study was the one that has been repeatedly held up as the basis of Round-Up not being safe and I believe that the study is flawed. There needs to be more studies into it, but they need to be realistic. There are a lot of chemicals used commonly that I am sure would harm an embryo if they were injected. For example, what if they were to inject chlorine into an embryo? People drink the stuff daily, swim in it, and use it to clean and disinfect. If Round-Up truly does cause that many birth defects, why don't I see them here? Round-Up has been sprayed for years in North Dakota. Not only to kill weeds, but also sprayed onto wheat fields if the field isn't drying evenly.

In the end the one thing that convinced DH to quit spraying everything with the stuff (besides having to deal with the wrath of the wife) was the 2003 Danish ban because the stuff wasn't breaking down in the soil as they thought it would and was filtering through the ground to contaminate water supplies.

I would love to see better studies!
Oh gang,
I am so disgusted.

I would settle for labeling on all this stuff. It is getting increasingly difficult to eat GE/GM free.

I am disappointed that people find nothing wrong with one company owning so much of the food chain..

It appears Capitalism is just a Dictatorship in disguise.

Yeah Roundup- did my own little experiment before I would put any straw in my chicken coop (I won't). The farm I am surrounded by grows rotated crops of winter wheat, corn and soybeans, all sprayed with multiple poisons, including Roundup. We (my house, my 17 yr old toothless dog, his pen, his water, food, etc - this was pre-chickens) were even CROP-DUSTED (twice) for the first time last year on a nice, breezy day with the windows open and everything drifting toward the house...nice.

Anyway, took a bale of straw from the field (they give it to us and sell it to the local Rural King) and spread some of it in a back corner of the yard. Got a nice crop of wheat growing there in no time. Got some Roundup and sprayed it. Couldn't kill it. With anything. Not putting that stuff in my chicken coop, around my dogs, nowhere.

We buy everything at our local co-op - and yes I am furious about the GMO alfalfa.

deb g
Hi Pineapple mama, You seem to be the best for me to introduce another harmful thing that is happening to us all. "youtube" is a good place to start. Search "chemtrails". Commercial & military planes are spraying the whole country with many chemicals that discourage veggies & other things from growing in our gardens. It also effects our health. Pls. check it out. You can also google it & find many sites telling more about it.
This explanation should make it clear what GM/GE is. They use Bt/Corn only as a example.

What are genetically modified foods?
In genetic modification (or engineering) of food plants, scientists remove one or more genes from the DNA of another organism, such as a bacterium, virus, or animal, and “recombine” them into the DNA of the plant they want to alter. By adding these new genes, genetic engineers hope the plant will express the traits associated with the genes. For example, genetic engineers have transferred genes from a bacterium known as Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt into the DNA of corn. Bt genes express a protein that kills insects, and transferring the genes allows the corn to produce its own pesticide.
First off, I want to make it very clear that I am against Round-Up, and had a really big fight with DH because he sprayed the stuff all through the garden last spring.

That being said... I went on a mission to find anything on line about Round-Up not being so safe, and this study was the one that has been repeatedly held up as the basis of Round-Up not being safe and I believe that the study is flawed. There needs to be more studies into it, but they need to be realistic. There are a lot of chemicals used commonly that I am sure would harm an embryo if they were injected. For example, what if they were to inject chlorine into an embryo? People drink the stuff daily, swim in it, and use it to clean and disinfect. If Round-Up truly does cause that many birth defects, why don't I see them here? Round-Up has been sprayed for years in North Dakota. Not only to kill weeds, but also sprayed onto wheat fields if the field isn't drying evenly.

In the end the one thing that convinced DH to quit spraying everything with the stuff (besides having to deal with the wrath of the wife) was the 2003 Danish ban because the stuff wasn't breaking down in the soil as they thought it would and was filtering through the ground to contaminate water supplies.

I would love to see better studies!

My cousin who is a Geneticist worked on some of the research on glyphostate (the agent in Round-Up). He was not working for Monsanto and he got paid anyway despite the outcome. So the results didn't really matter to him.

Because of certain confidentiality contracts he cannot speak about the particulars of the results. He probably would have to make it in simple terms for us anyway.
But he will not use Round-Up or any food that is Round-Up ready of any genetically modified food. He cautions on Organic because it doesn't necessarily mean organic anymore.
He told me it would be wise to buy local and know where you food comes from.
But that is his opinion.
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