Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

How are round up resistant plants GMO?
Do you mean plants that develop the resistance naturally?
If so, then that's not GMO, that's the basses of evolution through adaptation.

Interesting point... on evolution.. I see it as a major danger, our species is having a major impact on the natural world, causing other species to evolve due to our influence. I see it as never a good thing.. I think about antibiotic resistant bacteria, and know I understand the bedbug is back, but this time it is resistant to DDT..

IMO we should be thinking about these things prior to creating GMO's and other unnatural nasties.

The natural world adapts to our tinkering in ways we can not understand.!!

I feel that as long as money and power are the driving force of technology, we should be extremely cautious on how we proceed...


Just saw where a very good friend of mine, young married couple with a little boy, live in Springfield, Il. where her husband is in medical school has an infestation of bedbugs for the SECOND time in their apartment. This is scary. And, something else that is getting harder and harder to treat is head lice. They are getting more and more like the cockroach, immune to the poisons we use to kill them. Tea tree oil might be a very good alternative to these parasites. I don't understand the whole gist of this thread, but it scares me. I think we are headed for hard times, both safe seeds and parasites and food that is safe for us to eat.

Another thing, there was a corn mesa plant that was built in the county I live in, beautiful plant, and it never opened it doors. Company went belly up before it was even finished, but also was told quietly of course, that the local farmers were asked if they would be willing to grow white corn for this plant, pesticide free, and NOT one farmer was willing to do the extra work. They were defended left and right, but again this shows what a hold these seed companies have over our farmers and the brain washing they have done over the years. I hate that Round up commercial on TV where the farmers talk about the $3 an acre price and how good it is. The smell alone of some of that stuff is enough of an indicator of what it is. When the fields around us are sprayed the blow back/by is horrific and we stay in the house for most of the day after its sprayed, but our trees along the fence rows are along affected.

(GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes. Transgenic organisms, a subset of GMOs, are organisms which have inserted DNA that originated in a different species.

Read the whole article.

BTW you should be wary of anything posted on Wikipedia.


Wikipedia is definitely a good starting off point. It can give you an idea of where to go and what to look for, but it is not in and of itself a good source. Anyone can edit it, so the information on there is not reliable. On the same note information gained from interest groups on either side of the argument is not considered reliable.

I personally use the standards applied to writing an academic paper when I am researching an issue. Peer reviewed academic journal articles are credible sources of information. A pro-Monsanto or anti-Monsanto organization is not a good source as they are pushing their personal agenda and will utilize “studies” that support their view!
The above post by Whispering Winds & yours along with some others on this subject are what this whole country & a lot of others on BYC should be facing. Most of them refuse to face the truth of what is really happening to us all. After spending most of my time investigating many tnings on the internet, in the past 2 yrs., I have discovered what is & will finally happen to the people of this world. Without mentioning political aspects I will just say that as things, world wide, stand right now, the people are losing. All the information is on the internet, investigate it, as I have, before it is closed down like it was in Egypt. Good Luck !
BTW you should be wary of anything posted on Wikipedia.


Wikipedia is definitely a good starting off point. It can give you an idea of where to go and what to look for, but it is not in and of itself a good source. Anyone can edit it, so the information on there is not reliable. On the same note information gained from interest groups on either side of the argument is not considered reliable.

I personally use the standards applied to writing an academic paper when I am researching an issue. Peer reviewed academic journal articles are credible sources of information. A pro-Monsanto or anti-Monsanto organization is not a good source as they are pushing their personal agenda and will utilize “studies” that support their view!

sometimes what seems like a neutral source can in fact be biased as well. You should also be sure to look at ll sides and use multiple sources including those of different view points and take everything with a grain of salt
This video is a native american take on natural resources. About 2/3 of the way through it talks about corporations and world leaders. It is a little long but I think its good.
The above post by Whispering Winds & yours along with some others on this subject are what this whole country & a lot of others on BYC should be facing. Most of them refuse to face the truth of what is really happening to us all. After spending most of my time investigating many tnings on the internet, in the past 2 yrs., I have discovered what is & will finally happen to the people of this world. Without mentioning political aspects I will just say that as things, world wide, stand right now, the people are losing. All the information is on the internet, investigate it, as I have, before it is closed down like it was in Egypt. Good Luck !

Sometimes I worry about the future of humanity, when will people learn that greed and instant gratification is destructive?
My best response to this video is " AMEN ". The corporations & world leaders are what we all must investigate & make the changes ourselves as they won't make them for us.

(GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes. Transgenic organisms, a subset of GMOs, are organisms which have inserted DNA that originated in a different species.

Read the whole article.

BTW you should be wary of anything posted on Wikipedia.

I usually am wary but I see people reference Wikipedia all the time on BYC so I thought people took it as reliable.
As I mentioned before I have a Cousin who is a Geneticist that has worked on/with GM?GE research. I am not a Geneticist so if I get the terminology wrong, my bad.
Maybe there is a researcher that posts on here that would like to state the facts?

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