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I look at it as 'health' over 'well fed', I prefer 'quality' over 'quanity', and I think they call them 'chemicals' for the reason they are not 'food'... hence poison control hotlines.
I think the fact that we have become a nation of fat people has more to do with the fact that as a whole the U.S. has become a nation of couch potatoes. Even kids who used to come home and go outside to play now come home from school and sit in front of a video game or the do many adults when they get home from work. Personally I think that has way more to do with it than what or how much people are eating. People for the most part just don't do the physical labor that used to be the norm.
I think the fact that we have become a nation of fat people has more to do with the fact that as a whole the U.S. has become a nation of couch potatoes. Even kids who used to come home and go outside to play now come home from school and sit in front of a video game or the do many adults when they get home from work. Personally I think that has way more to do with it than what or how much people are eating. People for the most part just don't do the physical labor that used to be the norm.

it is more likely a combination of several things. You just can't say everyone's lazy and should get up more. People could start to move again, but their diets are still poor. I blame that on the department of health and the poor insurance coverages along with the usda's horrible nutrition guide. :p
I think the fact that we have become a nation of fat people has more to do with the fact that as a whole the U.S. has become a nation of couch potatoes. Even kids who used to come home and go outside to play now come home from school and sit in front of a video game or the do many adults when they get home from work. Personally I think that has way more to do with it than what or how much people are eating. People for the most part just don't do the physical labor that used to be the norm.

it is more likely a combination of several things. You just can't say everyone's lazy and should get up more. People could start to move again, but their diets are still poor. I blame that on the department of health and the poor insurance coverages along with the usda's horrible nutrition guide. :p

Every fat person I personally know is pretty much lazy and a couch potato.......they have no desire to get up and exercise let alone do any physical labor. If more calories are going into someone's mouth than are being burned during that same amount of time they're going to start packing on the doesn't matter where those calories come from.
it is more likely a combination of several things. You just can't say everyone's lazy and should get up more. People could start to move again, but their diets are still poor. I blame that on the department of health and the poor insurance coverages along with the usda's horrible nutrition guide. :p

Every fat person I personally know is pretty much lazy and a couch potato.......they have no desire to get up and exercise let alone do any physical labor. If more calories are going into someone's mouth than are being burned during that same amount of time they're going to start packing on the doesn't matter where those calories come from.

It does matter where the calories come from. Especially with things like diabetes. Even if they are lazy, those calories are still troublesome. Then there are empty calories which even effect fit people... like 'diet' sodas. What an oxymoron those are!
it is more likely a combination of several things. You just can't say everyone's lazy and should get up more. People could start to move again, but their diets are still poor. I blame that on the department of health and the poor insurance coverages along with the usda's horrible nutrition guide. :p

Every fat person I personally know is pretty much lazy and a couch potato.......they have no desire to get up and exercise let alone do any physical labor. If more calories are going into someone's mouth than are being burned during that same amount of time they're going to start packing on the doesn't matter where those calories come from.

I tend to agree with you, to a point. I grew up with alot of these same people. Heck, I was for the better part of my younger life. But at the same time, calories is not the sum total of the weight issue. More importantly, the point I was trying to make is that eating foods that more chemical than food is not a healthy diet. Seriously, any food that has a list of ingredients that just takes too long for me to read to try and figure out if it has gluten in it just gets ignored. If you can't pronounce it, its a chemical (and yes, i'm aware that this is a generalization
but its generally true) You can exercise all you want to, be slim and "beautiful" and still be starving if you are eating the wrong foods. *shrug* just saying. I'm not bashing anyone on this. And I'd like to point out that before I got sick I weighed 315 pounds, and I'm still trying to decide if I was healthier than or now. At least then I could run up three flights of stairs without gasping for breath. Now there are days I can barely walk briskly up those stairs without panting
Some of that weight was rather healthy muscle, due to the fact that I worked as a CNA and did alot of heavy lifting, constant moving, etc. But, it was also fat on top of the muscle
Now, I try to do my best to process raw foods at home instead of buying them ready to eat at the store, and if I do buy ready to eat foods I try to limit to ones that are 10 ingredients or less

Also, for everyone who thinks that modifying our foods is ok, think of this. Waaay back in the day, there was less in the way of food allergies, and intolerances. People could eat foods like wheat and corn and not have a problem. But today's wheat in no way resembles the wheat of 100 or 200 years ago, and that in turn is what has caused this major upswing in so many people learning they are gluten intolerant. The more you ingest one food, the more likely you are to have problems down the road. Corn and soy is in how much of the food so many americans eat? and really, there is never going to be any problems from this? yeah? some people who don't think this is an issue, travel back in time, oh say any where from six years to two years ago, and come visit my former self. spend a couple days with me, and then tell me that its ok that wheat is now so glutinous that I can't eat it, and so many people have problems with it, whether they are diagnosed or not. Cause I gotta tell you, experiencing the equivalant of labor pains a good six to ten times in my life was very very fun.
Sure Katy,
I agree exercise. When I am peeling logs by hand 8 hours a day.. I can eat a horse and a cow and still loose weight. Yes America does not get enough exercise... How much exercise would it take to burn off a pop tart for breakfast, happy meal for lunch and pizza hut for dinner with a couple of super sized soft drinks in between... I am not sure if there are enough hours in a day to burn off all those empty calories.

I contend it is the decrease in the quality of food people are eating is the main reason we are a very obese nation. The happy meal leaves you hungry in an hour, as compared to whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

It is my opinion that the marketing departments have figured out humans have a sweet tooth, and if they add sweeteners people will like and buy more of their products..
So this is why so many unsuspecting things have sweeteners added. Plain canned kidney beans with high fructose corn syrup added? Bratwurst with high fructose corn syrup?

Sweeteners are added to about every isle of the grocery store other than paper products, and the fruit and vegetable section.

Empty calories, and low nutrition foods....IMO this a big part of the problem... It was not that way 30 years ago, and we were an industrialized lazy nation back then, just not as fat.

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Every fat person I personally know is pretty much lazy and a couch potato.......they have no desire to get up and exercise let alone do any physical labor.

Wow Katy, that is a pretty judgemental thing to say. Are you sure? I mean, have you done a study on every fat person to see why they are fat? Of course not. You are making generalizations and judgements on what basis? Just curious where your facts come from? THere is more to it than exercise, I assure you. Yes I totally agree about the need for more exercise, less video pleasure. But we can say it with some respect for others. My oldest boy got overweight due to a cancerous brain tumor that gave him major amounts of seizures that wore him out. If you saw him you would look at him and think he is fat and lazy. So this kind of offended me. I know you probably didn't mean to, but we do need to be kind of careful on this forum. So my son was a couch potato and he looked normal one might judge him on that basis, but it is because cancer wears you out. He initially lost alot of weight but as time went on he gained alot. Now he is losing but still a touch chubby. As he heals and his seizures get under control, he has more energy and goes outside to play more.

Being overweight is an issue in this country, I think everyone would agree with that, but it cannot be solely blamed on laziness, there are many contibuting factors I believe.
Cancer is plaguing us too, I believe GMO and many chemicles contribute to that but that is only opinion from reading materials.

I would love this post to keep going so hopefully there will be no fighting. I am not mad, just wanted people to stay open minded about the weight issue. I have learned alot about this from this. Thanks OP for posting this.

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Every fat person I personally know is pretty much lazy and a couch potato.......they have no desire to get up and exercise let alone do any physical labor. If more calories are going into someone's mouth than are being burned during that same amount of time they're going to start packing on the doesn't matter where those calories come from.

It does matter where the calories come from. Especially with things like diabetes. Even if they are lazy, those calories are still troublesome. Then there are empty calories which even effect fit people... like 'diet' sodas. What an oxymoron those are!

Thank you!!! 1000 calories of fried potatoes will do WAY more overall damage to your body (and fat levels!) than 1000 calories of salad. It's not just calories that cause weight gain/loss. I mean, it is done mostly off calories - but that's more for ease of use when dieting. It's easier to count calories than mg of vitamins and minerals, haha.
Although, hey, speaking of obesity and if vfem doesn't mind the slight topic change...

Did you guys know that the increase of overall weight in America is actually causing a slight increase in health? Not from the foods we eat but simply from the extra weight some of us are carrying. Because when we, as humans (as apposed to we, as monkeys?), use our fat stores in times of illness to draw on. Yeah, we're getting sick a little more from the terrible food - but the weight itself is keeping us -alive-. We actually have a lower death rate from illnesses now because of the extra weight being able to feed the human body long enough to heal it. But, that doesn't necesarially mean we as a country/world are healthier - it just means we die less easy.

Of course this does exclude those who are dying of obesity related illnesses.

(I guess what I'm saying is eat a ton of healthy stuff and don't worry about being thin!)
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