Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

You will please note I said every fat person that I know personally.....altho I think not being active....and I'm not talking about your son......does weigh in on why most people are overweight.

I have stayed out of this thread up until now....but I will say, as I've said before, you don't want the crops I'm growing that is fine with me.......but don't tell me what you deem appropriate that I can or can't grow.

You can grow whatever you want to grow. But I think as the people purchasing we should have a say in what we buy or don't buy. Clearly, back on topic. Allowing produce and other GMO foods out that will contaminate the food I do want is unfair.

So if I grow a non-GMO crop and it crosses with a GMO crop... how is that not your problem? You could be the person who chooses not to recycle and that's your choice... but you don't throw your garbage in other people's back yards.

Then of course there is the other issue that the USDA will not label products that contain GMO produce. Why? Because my rights violate other's profits. Personally, I don't care how much or how little someone is making. I want to be informed, and make informed decisions.

So please don't take this personally.

vfem......I had a whole response written to you, but since I don't feel like being banned from the forum I deleted it.
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Whatever you were going to say, I appreciate you keeping it off the thread.

Again, this is not personally against you. This is my view on want I want as a consumer. Its my right.
Yes, that is your it is my right to grow the crops I choose to.

And it does feel personal.....just as I'm sure you'd feel it was personal if I was signing petitions against your business.
Yes, that is your it is my right to grow the crops I choose to.

And it does feel personal.....just as I'm sure you'd feel it was personal if I was signing petitions against your business.

It's still my right. Its like voting democratic or republician (or liberal). If I vote opposing someone else's choice it could feel personal... when rights such as abortion, religion, taxes and such come into the view. You don't see it is as choosing a different party, its seens as if I'm opposing the moral views of another party.

My major, 1st, responsibility is to do what I feel what I is right for my family. And this is what I feel we need.

You do what you feel is right for yours, and I for mine.

So far, the government sides with you and you should be laughing in my face since my voice is pretty much faded to the background.
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Banning crops that are modified is not the way to go. We as a nation expect cheap foods and the reason for the genetic engineering. It has been taking place since the beginning of time under a different name. Survival of the species. Those that adapt survive. I am not saying the I agree with adding human genomes to rice or pigs, but the engineering of corn to need less water to grow, or produce more ears of corn. I do not see a problem with that. It is the exact same thing as a sex-link hen bred to lay lots of eggs.

I think the real problem is labling what has been done to it.
I agree... i think the real problem is labeling AND giving people the CHOICE to choose GMO foods OR not...
But it seems that the choices are being taken away.... and that IS concerning.
I personally do not care either way...

But i hate to see peoples choices taken away..
Red hen I think you hit the nail on the head..

Banning GMO's at this point may not be the right way to go. (It is not very capitalistic,.) However demanding labeling and letting consumers choose would dictate which way the market goes.

Those offering non gmo can charge more. It would be the peoples choice... But we need labeling.!!!

Katy what do you think about labeling? Are you OK if products contain GMO grains or were fed GMO grains that it be labeled so?

I do disagree with you Katy, on society telling you what and how to grow. That is what society does through government incentives, market prices and laws.

We are all at the whim of societies desires...

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Straw bale garden to start

Katy, you can grow whatever you want. I just want to know exactly what I am getting when I buy it. If I decide not to buy what you grow, that is my choice. If enough people disagree with me and buy your theoretical gmo crops anyway, is my choice really a problem for you? Why deny me the option?

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