Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

I'm all in favor of labeling...let everyone make their choice on what they want to purchase and consume.

Not quite sure what you mean with the statement I highlighted.

You probably won't believe this, but I've always been very picky about what I fed my kids when they were young and I'm still picky about what I feed my family including the grandkids. I cook from scratch almost exclusively. I prefer fresh ingrediants and have a garden and can and freeze a lot of stuff. I try very hard to only buy food products that are grown here in the states....not always possible but I try.

My main problem I guess with "your camp" is I think a lot of it is hysteria and the sky is falling mentality based on rumor and "studies" that aren't always covering all the facts. I take what I hear whether it's on the internet or on the TV or read in a magazine with a grain of salt. There's an argument for and against every issue out there. How long ago was it that eggs were horrible for you and we shouldn't use real butter....only margarine? What is bad for us one day is what is good for us the next.......I'm sure it's only a matter of time before other issues flip-flop and there will be some new cause to fight against.

I say if the organic movement think they can feed as many people as we conventional farmers do then more power to them. They may find out it isn't quite as easy to do on a large scale as they think.
I think you need to go back and read my posts...on other threads as well. I have never said I think you have to buy what I grow....I've always said people should have the choice. I've never said you should be denied that option.
My main problem I guess with "your camp" is I think a lot of it is hysteria and the sky is falling mentality based on rumor and "studies" that aren't always covering all the facts. I take what I hear whether it's on the internet or on the TV or read in a magazine with a grain of salt.

Over 30 countries of the World have banned Gm/GE food. I would not call that sky is falling mentality or hysteria. Other countries have their own scientific researchers and choose to believe their reports.

What bothers most people is how Monsanto and the revolving door at the USDA is cramming this stuff down the throats of the world.
It is not being tested by unbiased researchers because of funding it is being tested by Monsanto and the USDA accepts their findings. It is all a vested interest.

What gives them the right? it is against OUR rights, because we now don't have a choice. It as a form of insidious pollution.

Wouldn't surprise me if the campaign against GM/GE foods really escalates in the next few years, as more countries join the ban.
I'm all in favor of labeling...let everyone make their choice on what they want to purchase and consume.

Not quite sure what you mean with the statement I highlighted.

You probably won't believe this, but I've always been very picky about what I fed my kids when they were young and I'm still picky about what I feed my family including the grandkids. I cook from scratch almost exclusively. I prefer fresh ingrediants and have a garden and can and freeze a lot of stuff. I try very hard to only buy food products that are grown here in the states....not always possible but I try.


I do believe you... and generally enjoy reading your viewpoint (all be it different than mine)... Hence the reason I asked for your opinion on the GMO labeling.....

My bolded statement was in reference to this statement of yours:
Yes, that is your it is my right to grow the crops I choose to.

The right to grow the crops you choose, Yes if grown for personal consumption... If grown to sell we are all at the whim of the market... Of course anyone can grow anything they want (As long as it is not dangerous or illegal.). In reality we grow what we know how to and what we can sell at market. So my point is; it is really not our choice, but societies. Our land and what grows on it is ultimately the publics resource. Sorry the point was a bit abstract..

(One who cooks from scratch..)​
I agree, I think North America will face a major prime time debate on this one... Also I suspect we will join the ban in the next decade... Why?
Because the lines will not be split on conservative / liberal lines... Yes you have "liberal" types such as myself opposed to GMO's but more often than not I find my closest allies (and most like thinking people) are conservative Christians and other traditional Religious groups... Matter of fact I believe those groups have recognized the "wrong turn" agriculture made right away..

Me a wacky liberal eclectic earthy Pagan finds I have virtually 100% in common with Conservative Traditional Religions.. It is an odd marriage but I believe a potent one that will change the status quo in North America.


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I don't remember anyone ever saying it was going to be easy... but the thing about it, is that they aren't taking the easy way out. And kudos to them for it!
I don't remember anyone ever saying it was going to be easy... but the thing about it, is that they aren't taking the easy way out. And kudos to them for it!

Farming no matter what method a person chooses to do is never easy....conventional, no-till or organic. We're at the whim of many factors none of us can control....number one being the weather.
I'm all in favor of labeling...let everyone make their choice on what they want to purchase and consume.

Not quite sure what you mean with the statement I highlighted.

You probably won't believe this, but I've always been very picky about what I fed my kids when they were young and I'm still picky about what I feed my family including the grandkids. I cook from scratch almost exclusively. I prefer fresh ingrediants and have a garden and can and freeze a lot of stuff. I try very hard to only buy food products that are grown here in the states....not always possible but I try.


I do believe you... and generally enjoy reading your viewpoint (all be it different than mine)... Hence the reason I asked for your opinion on the GMO labeling.....

My bolded statement was in reference to this statement of yours:
Yes, that is your it is my right to grow the crops I choose to.

The right to grow the crops you choose, Yes if grown for personal consumption... If grown to sell we are all at the whim of the market... Of course anyone can grow anything they want (As long as it is not dangerous or illegal.). In reality we grow what we know how to and what we can sell at market. So my point is; it is really not our choice, but societies. Our land and what grows on it is ultimately the publics resource. Sorry the point was a bit abstract..

(One who cooks from scratch..)​

No one is forced to buy any crop that they don't want to.....but as long as I own this farm ground and I'm the one paying the taxes on it I can grow whichever crops I choose to for the market place.
There's a study out there to support whatever a person chooses to believe. I personally don't put much stock in any of them because it's only a matter of time before the opposite of the findings prove to be true.....or at least that's what the new study will lead us to believe.
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