Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

Very true..
Studies showed tobacco was not an addictive carcinogen. Eventually a few kept pushing along until one day enough people did not believe the studies provided by the big tobacco companies getting rich of the product..
I am sure one can find examples the other way too, but generally it is things created and refined by humanity that prove harmful in the long run, not natural unmolested things.

With that said, I tend to go by what I see.. and that is less and less small farms, less and less locally produced goods, fewer choices in seed companies, larger outbreaks of disease in livestock, more and more highly refined products in the grocery store containing corn and soy, AND declining health within our population.

I do not need a study to tell me I do not like it..

Good point Organics North. I do not get upset about GMOs being used by those who want it. I get upset hearing about Monsanto's shady pushy practices and the harrasment farmers suffer from them. That is very upsetting. The control they have over seeds and such, that is the concerning part. And our ability to choose slowly becoming harder and harder to do. That is the upsetting part as well.

There is no easy solution to this is there?... It seems in the end someone always gets hurt....but life isn't fair and we all know that.
honeydoll........ There is no farmer that has been blind-sided by Monsanto as far as planting their seed......unless they did not read the contract that you sign when you purchase their seed. If they chose not to read it then some of the responsibilty has to fall on their own shoulders for what happens if they don't follow the terms of the contract....same as if you don't abide by any contract and get caught.
Id sure like to know what shady pushy practices and harrassment that Monsanto does. Only thing Ive every read about it is what someone said that someone said. Can you provide any facts?
Very true..
Studies showed tobacco was not an addictive carcinogen. Eventually a few kept pushing along until one day enough people did not believe the studies provided by the big tobacco companies getting rich of the product..
I am sure one can find examples the other way too, but generally it is things created and refined by humanity that prove harmful in the long run, not natural unmolested things.

With that said, I tend to go by what I see.. and that is less and less small farms, less and less locally produced goods, fewer choices in seed companies, larger outbreaks of disease in livestock, more and more highly refined products in the grocery store containing corn and soy, AND declining health within our population.

I do not need a study to tell me I do not like it..


So are you saying you're blaming GMO seed for the decline in all the things you listed?

There are less small farms because there are fewer people....even those raised in farming who want to have a job that requires as many hours that farming does. Most people can go to work from 8 to 5, have the nights and week-ends off and make much more money than they ever could on the farm. Bigger machinery has also made it possible for one person to farm many more acres than it used to.

There are still many seed companies to choose from....more even than when I was young I'd guess......or maybe they've just changed names....I don't know, but there are still quite a few to choose from.

Larger outbreaks of disease? I don't have any study to back it up but I really don't think that's true.....many diseases that used affect livestock operations are all but gone.

Those choices are in the store because that is what people demanded and want and most still do.

As for the declining health of people, I still think that is caused more by a sendentary lifestyle than anything else.
Just wondering..
Why did farmers even agree to use GMO seeds anyways?...
When did that first happen and why?
Do the crops have: better yield/better disease resistence/shorter grow time/need less water to survive (in times of drought)..
I mean..WHY did this all EVEN start? SOMETHING must have possessed the farmers to switch to GMO seeds?
WHAT was it? Anyone know... i'm interested..
Very true..
Studies showed tobacco was not an addictive carcinogen. Eventually a few kept pushing along until one day enough people did not believe the studies provided by the big tobacco companies getting rich of the product..
I am sure one can find examples the other way too, but generally it is things created and refined by humanity that prove harmful in the long run, not natural unmolested things.

With that said, I tend to go by what I see.. and that is less and less small farms, less and less locally produced goods, fewer choices in seed companies, larger outbreaks of disease in livestock, more and more highly refined products in the grocery store containing corn and soy, AND declining health within our population.

I do not need a study to tell me I do not like it..


ON; I want to be you when I grow up...
OK Katy..
I need a white flag surrender smiley on that one... It is a bit of a stretch even for me to blame GMO on all the things I listed....
Those things just bug me though..

My reference is to the number of seed companies Monsanto has bought up in the last few years... Of course they keep the names of the company they bought. Just for fun take your garden catalog. Seminis the creators of Early Girl Tomatoes for example was consumed by Monsanto. Have some fun look up some of your favorite veggies, see if Monsanto know owns them.... (Sorry it is just weird, one company owning so much of our food supply.)

Larger disease outbreak, again not GMO directly but the scale of operations are so large when a problem comes up it has a big impact with a big recall.. Think ecoli in beef and salmonella outbreaks in eggs recently... 40 years ago that would have not happened because we had more smaller producers..(Sure outbreaks but on much smaller scale with not as big of impacts.). I plain do not like the size of some of these operations... No personal ownership, just a bunch of low paid workers... The pride of a farmer bringing their product to market is gone in those big shows it is just big business..

Either way Katy.. You are correct... Not exactly related to GMO's ...

(Thanks Noodleroo....
... I needed that today..)


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