Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation


They would if they could!
I read a couple of studies that concluded GM DNA can jump from one species to another. Only time will tell.

I had read that some scientists are looking into the inert ingredients in Round-up because there is some evidence that it points to infertility, sterility, nerve damage, allergies etc..

There was a discussion about both of those topics on Millions against Monsanto.

I'm sure that was an unbiased discussion.

You call it unbiased because it disagrees with your opinion and farming practices. It is a vested opinion.
I have nothing to gain either way.
In 20 years this topic will have a completely different outcome.
I have no doubt that some farmers did save seed and replant them to try to save money. There are also farmers who had nothing to do with GMO and didn't want GMO and ended up with loses because of cross contaimination. 2 sides of the coin.
As for this quote:

"Since 1997, we have only filed suit against farmers 145 times in the United States. This may sound like a lot, but when you consider that we sell seed to more than 250,000 American farmers a year, it’s really a small number. Of these, we’ve proceeded through trial with only eleven farmers. All elevan cases were found in Monsanto’s favor."

This sounds not so bad, but it does not cover settlements made before trial, does not cover Canada or other countries and does not say anything about farms that did not go to trial and what became of their situation (especially if Monsanto quietly admitted fault). This only is clear on what is already public knowledge.
I would imagine their site covers the issues from their standpoint about the same as their opponents' websites cover their opposing view.

I guess my point in posting those links was...and I've said this before.....every viewpoint can quote something to support their view whether it's based on facts or not.

Do the opposing websites ever make any statements about any farmers who were investigated and Monsanto found no fault or chose not to do anything? I haven't seen anything like that.....I've only seen the same farmers' cases showcased over and over again.
Katy; I understand where you are comming from. It is personal to you; it affects your family and way of life. I respect your opinion. I read the articles that you linked. I'm going to quote a part from one and then tell a story.

"There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans. So long as the introduced protein is determined safe, food from GM crops determined to be substantially equivalent is not expected to pose any health risks. Further, it is impossible to design a long-term safety test in humans, which would require, for example, intake of large amounts of a particular GM product over a very large portion of the human life span. There is simply no practical way to learn anything via human studies of whole foods. This is why no existing food--conventional or GM--or food ingredient/additive has been subjected to this type of testing." This is just a tiny part of the whole article. Be sure to read the whole thing so as not to take this out of context. This is from the second link you provided and it scares me. To me it means that Monsanto can't test humans quickly, so that means we will have to see what happens in the future. Scary to me.

Now my story. My mother had a miscarrage before me and one after me. I am her only child. In her desperation to save her baby (me) she had a drug given to her that was a 'miracle' of the times; the late 1950's. It was called DES. It was only later that the problems associated with the drug and the daughters of the mothers that took it were discovered. It was taken off the market before her last miscarrage.
Here's a link that talkes about the problems:

won't bore you with my health issues from this drug, but I will tell you that I am missing some fairly critical parts because of it. On one hand you might say that if natural selection had been able to work properly, I most likely would not be here. I guess we'll never know about that one for sure.

So as I'm sure you can understand, messing around with the natural selection process is personal to me, too. The more I learn, the more I don't like 'engineering' with my food or medicines...
I am sorry about your issues because of the DES......I too am a DES daughter altho one of the fortunate ones who did not suffer any ill effects from it.

I know it isn't a perfect world as far as testing....but that goes for most everything medicenes included....not just GM grains.
No one truely knows what the outcome 25, 50 or 100 years down the road is going to be with anything new that comes along.

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