signs on your coop


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
New Hampshire
I'm wood burning a new sign for the coop!! M*A*S*H 4-0-7th heaven!!
I renamed all my hens that are confirmed roosters. out of 6 chickens i got 5 roosters!! :eek:They are now named after stars of the Mash tv show:pop-my husband thinks i'm wacked and my kids are having trouble figuring out "what are their new names again?" I have 2 nh-Hawkeye and Frank. 2 sexlink-Radar and Klinger. a cochin bantum mix-KERNEL Blake. so my hen obviously is hot lips houlihan!! I also have 14 hens as nurses.
I hope they behave themselves!! :smackIt's a lot of roosters but we're attached! please share your signs with me:ya
OOH!! you just gave me an idea!! I have to google that bar on mash-i think it was Rosie's. That would be fun for their mess hall. Enlisted welcome!!
My former flock rooster was Hawkeye, may he rest in peace. He was named after Hawkeye in Last of the Mohicans, as was Hawkeye Pierce. One of his daughters is named Margaret. And I did have a guinea named Radar, so yes, I like the MASH theme!
My coop sign is "Clutch Hutch", suggested by a HS friend.

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