Silkie attacked by dog, blind, need help! slightly graphic pics added

I have a total of 4 thermometers on those eggs, lol. 2 came with the bator and the turner. One I had for my Silkie chicks, they don't need it anymore. And today I got the thermometer w/humidity gauge. I should post a pic of this weirdness...
How humid should it be? And how do I raise the humidity? There's no room for a cup of water, just the bottom pre-made water ditches.
Anyway, all 4 say the temp is steady at 99.5F, day and night for the last 3 days, so that's good. Hope it keeps steady.

The thermometers are on top of the eggs, should I put one on the bottom to see if there is a big temp difference?
So sorry to hear of your pretty little silkie, she was truly a beautiful bird. Just for future reference....have saline solution on hand to do a flush in an injury case like this. You can use a syringe to put it in, then hold a warm washcloth compress on the eye. I would not rub except to wipe away debri. I always try to have terramyocin eye ointment on hand for eye problems (I have one roo with only a partially formed eye, nonfunctional just a hole with a bit of goo under the skin). It will occasionally start to seem to get an infection and I clean it and apply ointment for several days. Also, she probably died from the shock and trauma. You don't know if she may have had some head injury also, especially being a silkie. There may have been a lot more going on. I try to have gatorade on hand and never give water by itself, unless it is just by one drop and the bird offers to take it. I usually do a mash in syringe, fairly thin, if I am trying to get liquids in them. I am goosey about aspirating. Good to have some oral or injectible antibiotics available also for future.
She had a very nice puff on her head, and I loved the light buff that faded into her tail...Ah well. I have one little chick with what should be a good puff ball when she/he grows up.
I have a bottle of contact lens saline that I used to flush her eyes. Its in the chicken emergency kit now.
Gave the chickens some bread, the Roo was on the mid roost, still not feeling peachy. But his tail was more up, and a roost is better than the floor. The two hens that usually roost with him at the top did so today, they managed to escape the run during the attack, so they are fine. Gave them new water with the meds at the full dose and new food. Also gave them Banana with the yogurt. I think they will be fine. Still not allowing them out of the coop. It's been crazy cold and I need to mend the torn bird netting.
Checked on my eggs, tossed 3, one I dropped that was in the 'good' pile, turned out to be way past gone, it was green and the smell....
2 have holes cus I thought they were no good, taped them up. I'm really bad at candling...
Built the devil-dog her kennel today. Used 2x3in horse fencing, one long piece for the sides and two pieces for the top and bottom. Standing on it's own, yay! I had a window with sliding glass panels, so used that for the door. It's 4-5ft tall, 4-5ft wide and 15[+/-]ft long. Will get pics of it if anyone is interested.
Also finally got the latch on the chicken's door, yay!
They still refuse to go out into their run, it's fine. I'm thinking of making them a small solid pen in the spring and letting them free-range on days I'm home and a few hours after work.

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