Silkie attacked by dog, blind, need help! slightly graphic pics added

Ok, first two pictures are of the "good eye", her right eye.
The 3rd picture is of her mouth and something coming out if it..
The last pictures are of the "bad eye", left eye. It seems as nothing is sticking out anymore. I am not sure if she scratched an itch and it came off/out, but I do not see it anymore.
You can see where I trimmed feathers to get them out of her way.
The red is from the heat lamp in the room. There is a fan/light, but the fan will no longer turn off separately, so I didn't use it. I used a flashlight on some pics, some with flash also.
I am not sure where that drop of blood came from, btw.






OK, well, this is the former vet assistant in me, so don't take offense.

The eyes really need to be cleaned with a saline several times a day. You really need to get the bad eye pulled open and get a good flash light and SEE whats in there....or not. All wounds should be cleaned twice a day with a povidone solution and LIGHTLY smeared with Neosporin. Keep her on antibiotics for at least 10 days.

As far as what is coming out of her mouth. That could be anything. get some help and use a flash light and really look inside. It could be something stuck to the roof of her mouth, coming from her crop or just stuck to her beak.

Keep her separated and away from stress. Keep us posted with lots of pics.

Good Luck!
Yes, she is in the 'chicken room', warm and quiet in there.

I will try to get a better look in her mouth and rinse out her eyes tomorrow.

Should I mix the povidone solution with some water to distill it just a bit? I read it can be harsh on skin.
Sorry didn;t get back to you last night we are 5 hrs ahead of your time and I had to go to bed before you posted pics.
She looks sore - I am glad you got the Vet tec on here - good good good!!!!!!!
You have to understand I have only ever worked on humans with severe eye trauma.
Not chickens!!!!!! Though I am sure the principle is the same. As kickinchicken says you have to wash the eyes - but se sure to do that gently, you can use a baby cotton ball. Always work away from the other eye as you can wash infection from one side to the other.

Keep contact with us and let us know how she is doing. - It doesn't look like the eye came away could have been the lense from the top of it ??? You will only know for sure when you take a good look.

povidone solution - Iodine - yes dilute and don't get it near her eyes!!!!!!! Use only sterile water or saline to wash eyes out with.

Oesdog -
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Do it with the syringe she must take water - how about mashed up soft food?????? Yogurt scrambled up egg????
How did you get on with the cleaning of the wounds????? Do not let her just go into a corner and give up! - Check her every 30 mins. -
It will not be easy to keep this one alive as she is very shocked. Prepare yourself it may not go well.

Oesdog -
I've been asked to weigh in.
I had a chick that was severely wounded. She seemed to do fine for some days. I did put another chick in with her for company but she died shortly there after.
MO , was that she had an internal infection that I couldn't treat with out an internal anti biotic. I treated her external injuries but your bird clearly will have an internal infection with her eye injury.

If you can get an internal "oral" antibiotic do that. Make sure she is eating and drinking. Yogurt with egg and drinking vitamin water might help. As long as you can get her to eat and drink that will be good.

Keep watching for eating and pooping. And of course try to get a vet to see her. Try a posting on CL for someone who may have been in a similar situation.

Wishing you the best
I don't know of any internal oral antibiotics.
I won't be here from730-4pm everyday.
I have her a banana and yogurt mix, then I shaved off a bit of an aspirin pill and mixed it with water.

I meant that she did not drink it willingly like the last day, I did make her drink the water either way.
Her mouth looks fine, but she does seem to be drooling or something.
She lays slightly on her side with her head on the floor.
She opened one eye for a moment, but she seems to prefer it closed.
I could not get the other eye open. I will try later to wash them out, but I'm not sure it will work.
Washed out her eyes. One should be fine, prolly closed because of pain, like with people?
The bad eye is gone. There is the white of the eye, but nothing else. I'm guessing that needs to be removed?
Still waiting on a vet to get back with me, 4 vets left...

I washed out the white Silkies bite and added neosporine. She needs a bath....
The Jap Roo seemed to of been bitten all over his back. They seemed to be healing though, no pecking by the hens. I washed his back and added neosporine all over it, fluffed his feathers back and then put vaseline on his comb.
He was wonderfully still and not flighty, like all his hens are, he's kinda pretty and so soft!
OK next best thing - DO YOU have a wild fowl sanctury - rescue programe???? Falcanry centre???? Pigeon club, anywhere near you. What about folk that get other birds treated - like parrots, budgies, canaries etc????? Someone must treat these birds, Avian rescue services???? Can you see if anyone knows anything about them in your area???? - they do HAVE VETS!!!!!! - Someone knows how to treat eye traumas in birds its basically the same thing!!!!!!!! I mean Eagles and other falcans, don;t you have a place where they are rescued and treated. Someone must know a place and a vet who is trained in birds???? Any bird???? They will be able to sort the eye of a chicken if they treat falcons etc. Just a thought , I am thinking outside the box here and what I would do in your situation especially if I was strapped for cash. - Rescue centres are usually voluntry and you may be able to beg one of their vets to help!!!

Oesdog - good luck ( I asked Rancher to look at your post - hope you don;t mind he knows a bit more then I do about chickens.)
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