Silkie Attacked by Hawk - Shock?


7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
Los Angeles
My silkie was just attacked by a hawk. My neighbor scared it off before it did any real damage. She is missing a lot of feathers and has a small bleeding wound on one wing but overall it looks fairly minor all things considered. She is bobbing her head in what looks like an involuntary twitching motion. Shock:? I just want to make sure I am not missing anything.

She is warm, safe and isolated and the wound has been cleaned. I have electrolytes and non-pain neosporin. Let me know if you have any other thoughts.

Thank you!
Bless her heart. You did right by isolating her and keeping her warm. I hope she does well.
Thank you. The head twitching is what has me really worried. When I run water along the side of her beak she is not drinking or swallowing.
The force of the blow can cause brain trauma (swelling) and you will see the neurological signs you mention. Being slammed against the ground effects internal organs, too.

When birds like are are brought in we normally place them in an oxygen cage, keep them warm, and when they stabilize we'll start treatment such as sq fluids,x-rays, injections and so forth. Giving birds time to calm down really makes a different when treating them.
Unfortunately still no signs of improvement. I am starting to feel a bit hopeless. She will swallow if given water by dropper but can't eat or drink on her own. Can't left her head and is still twitchy.
No, doesn't sound good. Silkies have an odd skull structure that simply may not allow her to recover. Sorry she isn't improving.
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