Silkie Rooster off Balance and using wings to steady himself


Apr 8, 2019
we have a Silkie Rooster ,George, he is not quite a year old. He has been very healthy up until a few days ago.
We noticed that he isn't his usual self , he seems off balance when he walks and uses his wings to help balance himself. I have also noticed he isn't eating as much either and seems to have lost some weight. I started giving him water with vitamins in it, and some vitamin E mixing in with scrambles eggs to get him to eat. He will peck at some and drink a wee bit of water. his poop isn't that solid.kind of watery with little bit of green and some white stuff as well. when i go to pick him up he flaps his wings and tries to run away and makes a fuss like normal . I also have not heard him crow for about a week now. He is outdoors for the day and we bring him in at night he will perch on the chair wrung for the night but hasn't lately he just sits on the floor and crouches down more.
I am afraid i will lose him.We lost one silkie hen to wry neck and another was egg bound I can't bear to lose another .I do not see anything unusual on him no bugs that i can see, his one eye does get a little crusty stuff around it, it just wipes away ok.
Does anyone have any ideas what i might be dealing with.
Thank you Sandy
Has it been very hot? These symptoms could be heat stress. Give electrolytes to make sure.

These symptoms can also be Marek's or toxic poisoning caused by ingestion of petroleum distillates. It only takes a couple of contaminated pieces of grit, or drinking from a puddle laced with insecticide. Moldy feed also can cause these symptoms.
Has it been very hot? These symptoms could be heat stress. Give electrolytes to make sure.

These symptoms can also be Marek's or toxic poisoning caused by ingestion of petroleum distillates. It only takes a couple of contaminated pieces of grit, or drinking from a puddle laced with insecticide. Moldy feed also can cause these symptoms.
Thank you
i have been making sure he is getting vitamin water and good protein diet he is in a shaded back yard, he seemed to be walking better but today my husband got home and found him laying on his back on the grass. this morning he was pretty good when i put him out, i am afraid we are going to loose him and he hasn't crowed for well over a week now

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