Silkie thread!

Maybe you should name the black hen Gabby.
Perfect :) That fits her :)
Oh Thai so sorry how devestating, I have a very sick americauna pullet and trying to decide to put her down or let nature take it's course. It is my first flock and the first very sick bird.

Oh goodness. I've been in your shoes. I think it's harder to loose a bird to illness. Or have to put one down. I lament over if I've done everything I could to help/care for my animals. It usually ends with the decision on quality of life. When it comes to that point it's hard to put my selfish desires aside, but it has to be done. This is usually where my husband comes in.
hello to the silkie expert... ok here is the pic asked for in the previouse crisis. so boy or girls n why so ugly???? help please...

I don't think they're ugly, just not the really fluffy, show bird kind. The one on the left looks like a rooster. There seems to be lots of red on his face, wattles and a comb? Close ups on their faces would help.
I don't know what makes people think they look like crosses? This isn't a good quality picture, but it still looks like they're all silkie to me. Other than the black in the background. I do believe that bluewhoo had said in his/her first post that they got 3 buff silkies, no mention about a black one?

Here are my silkies (9 weeks old today) from McMurrays. It was so hot again today, I had just given them some sweet corn from the fridge. Sorry it is mostly of silkie butts!
Who doesn't love a silkie butt??

We had a near miss today. My son's cat "Pinky" is my Hero! I had just pulled a bunch of onions from the garden, and headed in the house to call my neighbor to see if she wanted some. The chicks were happily playing in their pen outside. One of my sons ran in and told me that a hawk landed and tried to get the chicks and Pinky saved them and jumped on the hawk and chased it away!!! She is only about 9 month old. I wish I could have seen that. (these pictures are from a week or 2 ago of Pinky watching the chicks)

Love you Pinky!!!
Hooray for cats! I have four. lol
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Forget guard dogs! I need a guardcat! Way to go Pinky!

We had a near miss today. My son's cat "Pinky" is my Hero! I had just pulled a bunch of onions from the garden, and headed in the house to call my neighbor to see if she wanted some. The chicks were happily playing in their pen outside. One of my sons ran in and told me that a hawk landed and tried to get the chicks and Pinky saved them and jumped on the hawk and chased it away!!! She is only about 9 month old. I wish I could have seen that. (these pictures are from a week or 2 ago of Pinky watching the chicks)

Love you Pinky!!!

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