Silkie thread!

Even with all this heat the "kids" (12 and half weeks old) took themselves inside tonight - all but 2 anyway. And curious to hear several of them talking like adults all of a sudden today. My babies are growing up!!
Looking at Bluewhoo's picture, the three buffs look like Silkies to me; the black one some other breed. 4hchickmamma, what are you seeing that I am missing? I agree with Whittni, they do look like hatchery silkies, especially in comparison to some of the wonderful show stock I've seen here. I may be fairly naive, but would the hatchery really sell mixes as Silkies? Thanks for educating me, I appreciate your experience and value your input.

Hatcheries birds can often come back as not what was expected. As day old chicks, it is hard to tell if something is purebred or not. I have a hen that I bought off of someone for $3 because I wanted a laying hen that she bought as a buff orpington from a hatchery...It certainly isn't. It is more than just poor quality too. Everyone I have showed it to thinks it is a buff plymouth rock not an orpington, or maybe a mix. They ship birds out and produce birds in such mass quantities it is hard to be 100% accurate at all times. I could be wrong, they could be just poorly bred/hatchery stock silkies and not mixes. The pic is so small it is hard to tell. I'm pretty new to this too. So I'm learning as I go as well!
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We had a near miss today. My son's cat "Pinky" is my Hero! I had just pulled a bunch of onions from the garden, and headed in the house to call my neighbor to see if she wanted some. The chicks were happily playing in their pen outside. One of my sons ran in and told me that a hawk landed and tried to get the chicks and Pinky saved them and jumped on the hawk and chased it away!!! She is only about 9 month old. I wish I could have seen that. (these pictures are from a week or 2 ago of Pinky watching the chicks)

Love you Pinky!!!
hello to the silkie expert... ok here is the pic asked for in the previouse crisis. so boy or girls n why so ugly???? help please...
The buffs look very much like fluffy versions of Buff Orpingtons, including the typical "fluffy butts" of a BO. The black looks like a Black Australorp. These birds look to be mixed breeds, and may still turn out to be nice as they mature. BTW, BO's and Australorps nice egg layers.
The buffs look very much like fluffy versions of Buff Orpingtons, including the typical "fluffy butts" of a BO. The black looks like a Black Australorp. These birds look to be mixed breeds, and may still turn out to be nice as they mature. BTW, BO's and Australorps nice egg layers. that you say that....they DO look like BO's. Fluffy ones with feathered feet! I think they are kind of cute...they just don't look like show birds. Mixes are awesome though!
Some updated photos of my 2 1/2 month old silkies. I've been watching the wings as they grow and they seem to be holding them better. Of course Picaso the pain roo has figured out that holding his wings out and away helps cool him down. It is soooo hot here, my poor chickens are panting in the shade :(

Picaso with two of the girls

Picaso trying to stay cool

Peepers - blue partridge? 

Haven't named her yet, she is sooo sweet will talk to you all day. Black hen

Blue Splash hen...still need a name for her..she's more standoffish.

Maybe you should name the black hen Gabby. :)

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