Silkie thread!

I have a sizzle hen sitting on eggs. She has developed wry neck, She is about 5 years old. I've only seen this in much younger silkies. Usually between a couple weeks and a couple of months old. I've been giving her a multi vitamin I got from the vet. Her eggs are due to hatch today. I was wondering if I should put the eggs in a hatcher to prevent the chicks from getting hurt if she ends up rolling over on them.
I have a sizzle hen sitting on eggs. She has developed wry neck, She is about 5 years old. I've only seen this in much younger silkies. Usually between a couple weeks and a couple of months old. I've been giving her a multi vitamin I got from the vet. Her eggs are due to hatch today.  I was wondering if I should put the eggs in a hatcher to prevent the chicks from getting hurt if she ends up rolling over on them.

I recently read about a RIR that had wry neck due to an ear infection. Perhaps you should see a vet? Not sure if they'd be able to diagnose it. The way the woman found out about it was after the infection burst, the vet missed it before that happened.
I have a sizzle hen sitting on eggs. She has developed wry neck, She is about 5 years old. I've only seen this in much younger silkies. Usually between a couple weeks and a couple of months old. I've been giving her a multi vitamin I got from the vet. Her eggs are due to hatch today.  I was wondering if I should put the eggs in a hatcher to prevent the chicks from getting hurt if she ends up rolling over on them.

Oh what a shame. The multi vitamin may kick in fast enough to allow her to be a good momma. At 5 years this may well be her last chance to be a momma. Thiamine B 1 is thought to be main deficiency in wry neck so it may help if you get a B complex. FYI, marmite and brewers yeast are good sources of thiamine.
What's your ' gut feeling '? ( about taking the eggs from her ) I'd go with that. Sorry I can't help you out on this one. :hugs
Oh what a shame. The multi vitamin may kick in fast enough to allow her to be a good momma. At 5 years this may well be her last chance to be a momma. Thiamine B 1 is thought to be main deficiency in wry neck so it may help if you get a B complex. FYI, marmite and brewers yeast are good sources of thiamine.
What's your ' gut feeling '? ( about taking the eggs from her ) I'd go with that. Sorry I can't help you out on this one.
How often is wry neck an issue in silkies? As chick and adults? It kinda makes me nervous. I had one chick get it at 2 weeks old and die the next day but it's been the only one so far and I hope I never have to deal with that from my babies as adults. I dont think I could handle seeing them that way and worry about them not making it. Me and my kids get so attached so the thought makes me nervous. Does it occur alot in silkies or just as much in other breeds to?
How often is wry neck an issue in silkies? As chick and adults? It kinda makes me nervous. I had one chick get it at 2 weeks old and die the next day but it's been the only one so far and I hope I never have to deal with that from my babies as adults. I dont think I could handle seeing them that way and worry about them not making it. Me and my kids get so attached so the thought makes me nervous. Does it occur alot in silkies or just as much in other breeds to? 

It seems to be more prevalent in silkies ! I suspect that it is a feed related problem. Of course some birds will be more affected by a vitamin deficiency than others. Most of us feed medicated chick starter, a thiamine blocker without too much thought of future repercussion . But what's the alternative , cocci ? I guess it's a case of ' the lesser of two evils '.
I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it. You may never see a case of it again in your flock.
Enjoy watching your kids love their ' chicken experience ' . :)
my chickens talk to me too...but it always seems like they are upset with me! Do you think it's just them learning their voice and it won't be that way forever? My LOUDEST learning to talk chickens are the silkies! I thought someone had got hung up or something...nope, just fluffy butts talking to each other.
Yeah! One of my chicks would always sound like she was chewing me out!

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