silky chick problems


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
central Ohio
I got 4 sweet little silky chicks from a back yard owner about two weeks ago. Supposedly about a day - three old. Three days ago the largest one of them suddenly developed what appeared to be neurological issues - neck bent under body and unable to stand. An exhaustive search, and a wisp of matted feathers on top of its head left me thinking it was a victim of a head peck from one of the other chicks on its "silky soft spot" - wry neck syndrome. I isolated immediately, but It died the next day.
Now I've just come home to find another chick being trampled by its siblings! Ive isolated this one and given it sugar water and it is now starting to peep again, but seems unable to stand. So now i'm thinking something contagious instead of wry neck syndrome!! But what?
These guys are the tiniest two week old chicks! They seem to have hardly grown at all compared to the other chicks i've raised in the past.
They are eating well - medicated turkey starter (26%)- run around, have normal poops, and do not appear sickly at all,(until they up and die!) so this is very frustrating. They are in my basement under a heat lamp at about 90 degrees on the warm end of the brooder. They sometimes sleep under the lamp, sometimes not. Any suggestions are welcome.
I don't know what to tell you,I do hope someone can help you.

Sorry for your loss.
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The first chick that passed sounded like it had brain damage, the second one i am not sure :( I just lost a silkie to the brain damage myself after nursing it for a month. Hope someone can help with the second chick, crossing my fingers he didnt hit his head like the other one!

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