Silver Laced Wyandotte? Pullet or cockerel? almost 6 wks old

100% sure it's a boy, I had a pullet around twenty weeks old and her wattles and comb were like that.

Do you have a possibility of keeping him? He's really cute!
Firearia - thanks so much! Yes, he's cute and because he's so distinct, I don't see how we can let him go! My kids love him and he's the only one with a name (so there will be no eating him). We've not considered showing, but maybe he'll be pretty enough?
One thing to keep in mind, most of the time the "free bonus chick" from hatcheries are roosters as are most of the "packing peanuts" extras that they put in the box for warmth. If you are allowed to have roosters where you are, and he is well behaved, I would keep him. I love having a rooster around!
Now that our first flock is almost 5 mos old, I thought I'd provide some updated photos - the 'bonus' chick is most definitely a roo and crowing very proudly these days! We're also getting 2-3 eggs a day, so far!


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