Silver Mille Fleur breeding....

Pyncheon guy

9 Years
Oct 17, 2010
NW Michigan
Just a couple of questions: If I take my male Silver MF and cross him with a female reg. MF......the pullets will be Silver MF and cockerels will be Citron MF....correct? And if I add the blue gene to the Silvers and get Silver Blue MF.....when two Silver Blues are bred together...some of the offspring will be Splash Silver Blue MF's.....will they appear all white but with colored beaks? I have whites already in this breed.....but was just curious....(?) Thanks, Rusty (Pyncheon Guy)
In answer to the first question: No, the males of a Silver/Gol MF cross are not citron. They are Golden. Silver is a Sexlinked color and incompletely dominant, so females can't be golden. Citrons are Gold MFs that carry either the Cream gene (ig/ig) or the Gold Diluting gene (Di/Di). The second question: Yes and No. Splash can be white, but it can also go down to look almost Blue. It's very unprdictable. Some birds will be white, yes. Others, no.
yep that's all pretty much right. I agree too, they wont be what you are thinking, the lemon cream milles, that does take Dilute of Cream to get.
If you have buff use them as a cross for that project, they have the dilute gene.

However you will get yellow males, but like they said, it will be on the gold side of things sorta like a gold duckwing.
and nope, you will never get a hen that color.

with the blues yes, when blue to blue is bred together you'll get 50% blues, and 25% each black version and splash versions. Yes most of the splash will look just plain ol white in this case some at best will be dirty white in the spotted areas. I have done the same thing in my mille d'anvers, one plus to the blue gene in the normals, is you get a make shift goldneck out of the splash ones and they will breed true. It's not a clean crisp white like in a true dom. white based goldneck, but unless you were a genetics guru, you wouldnt know the difference.

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