Single Duckling

Imprinting is different than bonding. Your duckling can surely bond with you.
Make sure it has a mirror and a stuffed animal in its enclosure so that it doesn't get too lonely when you're not available. Might want to invest in duck diapers if you're keeping it as a house duck.
I'm a firm believer that poultry do better with another one in the flock of their own kind. So, I'm still going to suggest for you to find it another duckling to hang with when you're not available.
Thank you all dearly for the tips and tricks. Does bonding mean that my duck will follow me around and like me still? I just want it to be less scared of humans :(
Probably less scared but it might not be SUPER friendly. I do think you should get him a buddy though. It would be best for him as if he is alone all his life he may get depressed. :(
Ah yes! I'm debating that but I don't think I can right now :( I spent most of my day with the duckling but it likes to sit in its little corner beside the little water bucket we got it! I also hand feed it and pet it a lot hopefully to gain its trust!
Is it possible.. for a duckling to imprint on a mirror haha! It really likes the mirror and enjoys sitting in front of it!
Is it possible.. for a duckling to imprint on a mirror haha! It really likes the mirror and enjoys sitting in front of it!
It likes the mirror because its sees another duckling it doesn't realize it's a reflection. Ducks imprint soon after hatch.
It will go through periods where its scared of everything, but as long as you're consistent and calm it will come to trust you.
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Ahh thats good to hear, I'm planning on getting another duckling for this one. What if the other duckling imprints on me. Am I allowed to leave it with my older duckling for longer periods of time like 2-3 hours?

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