Sinus infection photos

Update on the peas.... the hen is the worst and she is still eating and drinking though has lost some weight. She has improved some since being on the meds but I think I may haev to cut below her eye to get her to heal completely. One side has softened and I see improvement but the other side is hard so that may be in the next few days.
The peacock has improved a lot. He has only one side with a bit of puffiness left under his eye and he has been eating and drinking fine, as well. My photos did not come out well enough to share due to their pen location and not letting me near them with the camera but I thought you may want to hear they are doing better.

And no worries on the tubing, I have tubed many a bird and other animals. Though never my favorite thing to do.
I see pseudomonas being mentioned here, my guess...and it's just that...would be they're dealing with mycoplasma gallisepticum.
having trouble sifting through this thread/site today so if that's already been mentioned or ruled out, for some reason or another, then forgive my input here.
I see pseudomonas being mentioned here, my guess...and it's just that...would be they're dealing with mycoplasma gallisepticum.
having trouble sifting through this thread/site today so if that's already been mentioned or ruled out, for some reason or another, then forgive my input here.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa sure could be secondary to mycoplasma gallisepticum in some cases.

Okay, sorry. No photos but I did do the surgery on both sinus like on the Conner website.
She had gotten progressively worse so I opted to try and save her by doing this.
The peacock has almost completely cleared up. Just a bit of puffiness under one eye.
But even though the pea hen's was soft to start with it got bigger and harder within 5 days so I cut under each lump, cleaned it out and flushed out and now have her back on the liquid Baytril in her drinking water. She seems much happier. She was still trying to eat but could not close her mouth. She can close it now and is still eating and drinking but I am sure she will be able to actually take more food in this way. She had lost a bit of weight in those 5 days. It has only been 2 days since the "operation" but she sure acts better and hates me with a passion.
Okay, sorry. No photos but I did do the surgery on both sinus like on the Conner website.
She had gotten progressively worse so I opted to try and save her by doing this.
The peacock has almost completely cleared up. Just a bit of puffiness under one eye.
But even though the pea hen's was soft to start with it got bigger and harder within 5 days so I cut under each lump, cleaned it out and flushed out and now have her back on the liquid Baytril in her drinking water. She seems much happier. She was still trying to eat but could not close her mouth. She can close it now and is still eating and drinking but I am sure she will be able to actually take more food in this way. She had lost a bit of weight in those 5 days. It has only been 2 days since the "operation" but she sure acts better and hates me with a passion.

Oh yes! She is doing so great! She looks a bit peaked but I offer vitamins in the water now, too.
Her "surgery " sites are healed. They are panting in these photos because it is 99 degrees but you can see her swelling is gone. As is the boy's but he was never as bad as her.

And here she is the day before I did the surgery. She could not have gone on without it. Nothing helped before while it was soft and kept swelling up until I removed the masses and she got the enroflox in her. She is still leery of me but I see her bouncing around a bit in the cage with the peacock so I think she will make a full recovery. Thank you for showing me where to get the meds! I had tried everything!

HELP! 10 years of having peafowl and have never had to deal with sinus problem. Noticed late yesterday one of my peahens has symptoms of sinus infection. It's Sunday. I found a little Baytril, tried mixing it with food but she didn't eat it. Have very little left I could force her to swallow with syringe. Vet hopefully will sell me some more tomorrow or some Tylan 200 to treat her with. PLEASE, if there is anyone in the San Antonio, TX area that knows how to deal with this if it becomes worse I'll be beyond appreciative. Have friend that spent over $500 in vet fees on her peacock and he still passed away. I'll read through this thread but could really use some help and encouragement. I jumped right to the end of it to scream for help so pray the peafowl this thread is about are doing ok. Will find out as I read. Thanks much.
Tylan helped mine not at all. Order the generic Baytril, it could save a life. I added mine to the drinking water of those affected and it worked great but on one I had to do the surgery, which helped but I wish I had treated with Baytril (Enroflox) much sooner before she became so bad. I tried all other methods before the Baytril.
HELP! 10 years of having peafowl and have never had to deal with sinus problem. Noticed late yesterday one of my peahens has symptoms of sinus infection. It's Sunday. I found a little Baytril, tried mixing it with food but she didn't eat it. Have very little left I could force her to swallow with syringe. Vet hopefully will sell me some more tomorrow or some Tylan 200 to treat her with. PLEASE, if there is anyone in the San Antonio, TX area that knows how to deal with this if it becomes worse I'll be beyond appreciative. Have friend that spent over $500 in vet fees on her peacock and he still passed away. I'll read through this thread but could really use some help and encouragement. I jumped right to the end of it to scream for help so pray the peafowl this thread is about are doing ok. Will find out as I read. Thanks much.

Page one, post #8
Sorry, have been out doing chores so haven't had time to read everything. One more quick question. Is it contagious to the other peafowl? Thanks much for help and replies.

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