Sit'n on the porch

Good Monday morning,
Very busy but wonderful family time Saturday and Sunday. So good to see my daughter.

Back to the grind today. It will be an inside cleaning day, top to bottom.
I to put the sprinkler on the apple tree. the apples will be ready in a few weeks.
I still have a bunch of dried herbs to tend to and need to harvest doe Thyme this week. The tomatoes are doing great! I hope to get a cold frame ready for them it was 52 over night. Our nights are cool, and I think to cool for tomatoes.
Today is Meatloaf Monday, and I will make up a pot of chicken soup for our lunches this week, bake off more sourdough tomorrow.

one more cup of coffee and it to the coop I go

Lunch Coffee Time!
I got all of the dusting done, wiped dog bark spit off the windows lolol,
all of the floors are vacuumed and swiffered ; second load of rugs are in the dryer and third in the washer; guest bathroom cleaned; the grandkids coloring/drawing tote is put back together and put away; watermelon wiped off the chess table and other places --
I am thinking after I clean our bathroom that will be plenty for today.
Lunch Coffee Time!
I got all of the dusting done, wiped dog bark spit off the windows lolol,
all of the floors are vacuumed and swiffered ; second load of rugs are in the dryer and third in the washer; guest bathroom cleaned; the grandkids coloring/drawing tote is put back together and put away; watermelon wiped off the chess table and other places --
I am thinking after I clean our bathroom that will be plenty for today.
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Phew! Nap time!

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